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Too much down? Shining a light on fledging Cory’s Shearwaters with GPS trackers

Corys Shearwater grounded Beneharo Rodrguez 
A Cory's Shearwater grounded by artificial lighting; photograph by Beneharo Rodriguez

Airam Rodríguez (Canary Islands’ Ornithology and Natural History Group, Buenavista del Norte & Department of Ecology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) and colleagues have published open access in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution on factors affecting grounding of Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris borealis fledglings due to light pollution

The paper’s abstract follows:.

“Light pollution causes attraction and/or disorientation of seabirds, leading to mortality events due to multiple threats.  This is a poorly understood phenomenon, largely because of the challenge to track seabirds at night from their nests to the grounding light-polluted locations.  New tracking technologies can inform about this phenomenon.  Here, we used GPS transmitters with remote download to track the flights of Cory’s shearwater Calonectris borealis fledglings from an inland experimental releasing site to the ocean.  We released birds assigned to three experimental groups: GPS tagged, tape-labelled, and control birds.  We assessed how both intrinsic (such as body mass, body condition, body size, and down abundance) and extrinsic (i.e., flight descriptors, such as distance, straightness, and flight duration, wind speed, or moon luminance) factors influenced light-induced groundings by using two datasets: one including the three groups and another including just the GPS tagged birds (as GPS devices provide unique information).  We tested whether the probability of being grounded by artificial lights was related to intrinsic factors.  With the use of the whole dataset, we found that birds with a higher down abundance had a higher probability of being grounded.  GPS data revealed that the probability of being grounded was positively related to the tortuosity of flights and the overflown light pollution levels.  Also, birds with slower flights were more likely to be grounded than birds with fast flights.  Tortuosity increased with light pollution levels but decreased with the ambient light of the moon.  GPSs with remote data download provided information on birds reaching the ocean, this being a substantial improvement to previous studies requiring recapture of the individuals to retrieve the data.  GPS tracks of birds reaching the ocean allowed us to know that some birds overflew coastal urban areas so light-polluted as the landing sites of grounded birds.  We provide novel scientific-based information to manage seabird mortality induced by artificial lights.”

Movement trajectories of ten Cory’s Shearwater fledglings tracked with GPS-GSM devices. Ring refers to the unique ring codes of the birds. The animation shows the irradiance values (nW/cm2/sr), as a proxy of light pollution (bluish), taken from a cloud-free composite of VIIRS nighttime lights corresponding to November 2019


With thanks to Airam Rodríguez Martín.


Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, B., Acosta, Y. & Negro, J.J. 2022.  Tracking flights to investigate seabird mortality induced by artificial lights.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 28 January 2022

Featuring ACAP-listed species and their photographers: the Antipodean Albatross by Kath Walker

 Fig 4 low res S
A pair of young adult Antipodean Wandering Albatrosses.  The plumage of the female (on the left) remains dark despite age.  However, by the end of each breeding season the dark tips of the feathers are so worn the white below can show through, giving the bird a “spotty, leopard-like plumage” until she moults.  The dark feathers on the male’s neck will gradually lighten, leaving just faint pencilling, while the well-demarcated black cap remains, although gradually decreased in extent by old age

NOTE:  This post continues an occasional series that features photographs of the 31 ACAP listed species, along with information from and about their photographers.  Here, Kath Walker of New Zealand’s Department of Conservation writes from the field on Antipodes Island of her studies over many years of both the nominate and gibsoni subspecies of the globally Endangered and Nationally Critical Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis.  In her photo essay Kath refers to these two taxa as Antipodean Wandering and Gibson’s Wandering Albatrosses.

Kath Walker Graeme Elliott Anripodean Albatross S
Kath Walker and Graeme Elliott with a male Antipodean Wandering Albatross on Antipodes Island

Like some others who’ve written these photo essays, my partner Graeme Elliott and I began working on albatrosses accidentally.  Although we were (and still are) biologists working for the New Zealand Department of Conservation researching ways to recover threatened land birds (Graeme) and large land snails (me), an expedition in 1989 in search of the elusive and Vulnerable Auckland Rail Lewinia muelleri on Adams Island changed the course of our lives.  Whilst on Adams Island, we attempted very rough population estimates of all the other bird species, including the Gibson’s subspecies of the Antipodean Albatross.

Fig 1 low res S
Young Gibson’s Wandering Albatrosses courting on the southern slopes of Adams Island

The news that the Wandering Albatross D. exulans population on France’s Possession Island in the southern Indian Ocean had halved in the 1980s made us worry about the trends in the wandering albatross (sensu lato) populations on New Zealand’s sub-Antarctic islands.  While it was then thought the New Zealand birds comprised nearly half the world’s population of wandering albatrosses, their breeding grounds were seldom visited so there was little quantitative knowledge of the sizes, let alone the trends, of the albatross populations there.

Fig 2.low res S
An adult male Antipodean Wandering Albatross in flight, with characteristically black upper wing and sharply demarcated black cap on head

In 1991 on Adams Island with Peter Dilks and Jean-Claude Stahl, and later, on Antipodes Island with the help of Jacinda Amey, Gerry Clark and Gus McAllister, we started trying to count the numbers of pairs of breeding Gibson’s Wandering and Antipodean Wandering Albatrosses, respectively. However, both islands have such extensive albatross habitat and such deep tussock and scrub, it was difficult to obtain enough precision for trend calculations.

 Fig 3.low res S
A pair of Gibson’s Wandering Albatrosses, with the female, identified by the scattering of dark feathers on the head, on the left

Fig 6 low res S
A pair of adult Antipodean Wandering Albatrosses (female on the right) displaying on Antipodes Island. The presence of a female - now outnumbered 3:1 by males on the breeding grounds - has inevitably attracted the attentions of another male (centre). The combination of black cap and black upper wings on the male are characteristic, and the easiest way to distinguish middle-aged male Antipodean from female Gibson’s Wandering Albatrosses at sea. Only old male Antipodean Wandering Albatrosses have some white on their “elbows”, by which time the black cap on their head is nearly gone.

So began the last 30 years of taking leave to organize and participate in annual expeditions to Adams and Antipodes Islands to study key population parameters in smaller better-defined portions of each island, as well as the bird’s at-sea distributions.  Many other colleagues have helped with the work over the years, particularly Peter McClelland, Sheryl Hamilton, Alan Wiltshire, Erica Sommer, Kalinka Rexer-Huber and Graham Parker.  At first both Gibson’s Wandering and Antipodean Wandering Albatross populations seemed to be recovering after declines during the 1980s.  But in 2005 these trajectories suddenly reversed, beginning a steep and long-lasting decline, particularly of the nominate population on Antipodes Island.  Research in recent years has concentrated on identifying the areas of overlap nowadays between longline fisheries and Antipodean Wandering Albatrosses, as changing oceanic conditions, and expanding ranges of both birds and fishers, seem to be increasing fatal bird/longliner interactions, particularly of females who use more northerly waters than do males.

Fig 5 low res S
A pair of older adult Gibson’s Wandering Albatrosses (female on the right) courting on the southern slopes of
Mount Dick on Adams Island.  Note the characteristically large area of white feathers on both male and female’s “elbows”

Gibson’s Wandering and Antipodean Wandering Albatrosses behave more like separate species than subspecies, with distinctive plumage patterns and foraging distributions (albeit with a little overlap) and separate breeding grounds and timetables (Gibson’s breeding three weeks earlier than Antipodean).  Whereas this complicates description of a generalized “Antipodean” species in guidebooks, studying two discrete taxa at the same time using identical methods has proved helpful in untangling the causes of their differing population trajectories.

Fig 7low res S
Southern Rata Metrosideros umbellata and Turpentine Scrub Dracophyllum uniflorum forest on the sheltered northern side of Adams Island, supplanted higher up by tussock and fellfield.  Although a few Gibson’s Wandering Albatrosses nest in the tussock on these northern slopes, most birds nest on the island’s southern slopes, necessitating a long walk for researchers from the boat landing over the summit ridge

For us the expense and difficulty of obtaining a 30-year dataset on a long-lived biennial species which breeds on remote uninhabited islands across angry seas and living for long periods in tents and basic huts are more than compensated for by the sheer joy of living where wild things and the natural world still predominate.  And the happiness is not just that we are lucky enough to be working with seabirds which live their lives on the surface of the land, rather than hidden deep within burrows.  Nor that these birds survive so long they’ve become familiar as individuals, with some observed for over 28 years as they fledged, partied with other teenagers, settled down 10 m from their parents, lost mates, and started again.  Equally it lies in the land itself, with Adams and Antipodes Islands as distinctive and addictive as their albatross inhabitants.  Adams Island at 11 000 ha is much bigger, higher, colder, wetter and grander than the more northerly 2000-ha Antipodes Island.  Although it does have a harsher climate, Adams Island at the southern end of the Auckland Island Group has an enviable sheltered harbour on one side which allows the growth of proper forest whilst Antipodes Island, farther from the New Zealand mainland, has a simpler vegetation of grasses, ferns and some low shrubland, and no safe anchorage.  With the successful removal of introduced House Mice from Antipodes Island in 2016, both islands are now near-pristine, essentially weed-free, full of megaherbs and teeming with birds.  The only way we’ve found to feel nearly comfortable about living in these “Gardens of Eden” continuing to bother the albatrosses with bands, tracking devices, counting, measuring and observing, is to work as hard as we can at ensuring these wonderful birds and wild places survive.

Fig 8 low res S
The cliffs of Perpendicular Point and Hut Cove on Antipodes Island, with a depot for castaways in the foreground, first erected in 1894

The great albatrosses of the genus Diomedea comprise two distinct types: the two primarily shelf-feeding royal albatrosses and the more pelagic “wandering” albatrosses, treated as four species by the Albatross and Petrel Agreement.  Given the strong kinship within the wandering-type complex, we prefer to use “wandering” as part of each common name for these four species originally placed within Diomedea exulans, despite it becoming not a group descriptor but the common name for just one in the wandering group - Diomedea exulans.  We’re eternally hopeful that our preference, initially suggested by one of our heroes of albatross conservation, Graham Robertson, will catch on!

Selected publications:

Elliott, G. & Walker, K. 2005.  Detecting population trends of Gibson's and Antipodean wandering albatrosses. Notornis 52: 215-222.

Elliott, G. & Walker, K. 2018.  Antipodean wandering albatross census and population study 2018.  Research Report prepared by Albatross Research for the New Zealand Department of Conservation.  18 pp.

Elliott, G. & Walker K. 2019.  Antipodean wandering albatross census and population study on Antipodes Island 2019.  Report prepared for the New Zealand Department of Conservation.  27 pp.

Elliott, G. & Walker, K. 2020.  Antipodean wandering albatross satellite tracking and population study Antipodes Island 2020.  Report prepared for the New Zealand Department of Conservation.  54 pp.

Elliott, G.P., Walker, K.J., Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K. & Miskelly, C.M. 2020.  Subantarctic Adams Island and its birdlife.  Notornis 67: 153-187.

Francis, R.I.C.C., Elliott, G. & Walker, K. 2015. Fisheries risks to the viability of Gibson’s wandering Albatross Diomedea gibsoni.  New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 152.  48 pp.

Nicholls, D.G., Robertson C.J.R., Prince, P.A., Murray, M.D., Walker, K.J. & Elliott, G.P. 2002.  Foraging niches of three Diomedea albatrosses.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 231: 269-277.

Walker, K. & Elliott, G. 1999.  Population changes and biology of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans gibsoni at the Auckland Islands.  Emu 99: 239-247.

Walker, K. & Elliott, G. 2005.  Population changes and biology of the Antipodean Wandering Albatross Diomedea antipodensis.  Notornis  52: 206-214.

Walker, K.J. & Elliott, G.P. 2006.  At-sea distribution of Gibson's and Antipodean wandering albatrosses, and relationships with longline fisheries.  Notornis 53: 265-290.

Walker, K.J., Elliott, G.P., Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C., Sagar, P.M., McClelland, P.J. 2020.  Shipwrecks and mollymawks: an account of Disappointment Island birds.  Notornis  67: 213-245.

Kath Walker, Department of Conservation, New Zealand, 27 January 2022

Featuring ACAP-listed species and their photographers: the Southern Giant Petrel by Alexandra Dodds

SGP white phase Bird Island Alex Dodds S 
A banded white morph Southern Giant Petrel, known as a ‘spirit geep’ on Bird Island

NOTE: This post continues an occasional series that features photographs of the 31 ACAP-listed species, along with information from and about their photographers.  Here Alexandra Dodds writes about the Southern Giant Petrels Macronectes giganteus (Least Concern) she studied and photographed on Bird Island in the South Atlantic, while working with the British Antarctic Survey.

Alex Dodds Albatross ZFA 2019 21 Ana Carneiro 1
prepares to fit a colour band to a breeding Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans on Bird Island; photograph by Ana Carneiro

Walking around Bird Island you can’t help but see where the idea for the name came from.  There are birds in the air, on the cliffs, covering the beaches and all over the mossy, muddy surfaces of the island.  I spent eighteen months there undertaking albatross fieldwork for the British Antarctic Survey, and while the Wandering Albatrosses may be the largest birds on the island, they certainly aren’t the only large avian characters.  Almost everywhere on the island, there are nesting giant petrels.

SGPs mating Bird Island Alex Dodds S
Southern Giant Petrels mating in the snow

SGP downy chick Bird Island Alex Dodds S
A recently hatched Southern Giant Petrel chick is kept warm on its parent’s foot

On the nest, Southern Giant Petrels are caring and protective of their chicks.  During my second summer, one pair decided to nest right in the middle of a scree slope path, and they weren’t moving, no matter how many times we had to scramble past them, they were sitting tight and protecting their egg.  However, having seen giant petrels in both predator mode and parental mode, I’m sure that they have some level of multiple personality disorder.  It always amazed me how voracious they can be when fighting their way through the crowd to scavenge on a dead fur seal or dive bomb a mollymawk colony to pinch a chick for dinner, and yet they are the complete opposite when rearing their young.

SGP downy chick and adult Bird Island Alex Dodds S
A Southern Giant Petrel rests next to its downy chick on a sunny day

SGPs Bird Island Alex Dodds S
A hybrid breeding pair, Southern Giant Petrel on the left, with the green tinge to the end of the bill, and Northern Giant Petrel on the right, with the red tinge

Bird Island is towards the northernmost edge of the Southern Giant Petrels’ range, crossing over with the northern species, leading to some attempts at hybrid breeding.  The other natural phenomenon that the Southern Giant Petrels bring to the island is the ‘spirit geep’ as they are known in South Georgia (geep is a commonly used abbreviation for a giant petrel).  Spirit geeps are the white colour morph birds thar are more common the closer you are to the white continent of Antarctica but aren’t so commonly seen in the waters around Bird Island.

Walking around the island to check on Wanderer chicks, survey a Black-browed Albatross colony or scan cliffs for Light-mantled Albatross nests, I had the daily pleasure of seeing the natural behaviours and life events of Southern Giant Petrels.  I may have gone to Bird Island to work with albatrosses but the ‘geeps’ are also intertwined with the memories of my time there.

Wandering Albatross Bird Island Alex Dodds S
A post-guard white-morph Southern Giant Petrel chick and its Wandering Albatross neighbour

Alexandra Dodds, Market Rasen, United Kingdom, 26 January 2022

Midway Atoll and its albatrosses take a battering from storms made worse by climate change

Storm Damage 2 “A large ironwood branch falls on both sides of perhaps the luckiest of albatross nests at Midway Atoll during the winter storms.  Hundreds of ironwood branches fell during the winter storms at Midway Atoll during December and early January, and several branches unfortunately crushed many albatross eggs”; photograph by Pam Repp, USFWS

In a year when World Albatross Day on 19 June will be marked with the theme of “Climate Change”, increased winter storms thought due to climate change have been impacting Laysan Albatrosses Phoebastria immutabilis (Near Threatened) and other seabirds that breed on USA’s  Midway Atoll in the low-lying North-western Hawaiian Islands.

“Since December 1, 2021 Midway Atoll has been experiencing repeated high-wind storm events, some containing winds over 50 miles per hour [80 km/h] that have impacted several species of seabirds and some of the World War II era buildings.  Waves have overtopped seawalls and invaded the beaches, causing a large number of nest failures from eggs being washed away or nests being flooded.   Hundreds of nests and eggs have been impacted. Falling trees and large branches have killed adult albatross and eggs”.

The low-lying islands and atolls in the Monument are extremely vulnerable to sea level rise, with some low-lying islands averaging only 3.2 meters in elevation.  Sea level at Midway Atoll rises at a rate of five millimeters per year, which is faster than the global average. This makes the impact of storms all the greater.

Storm damage 1
A Laysan Albatross nest near missed by fallen branches from Ironwood
Casuarina equisetifolia trees; photograph by Pam Repp, USFWS

The majority of seabirds in the Pacific Islands nest[s] at or near sea level, regardless of the maximum elevation of the island on which they nest. For albatrosses and other seabirds, some years are calmer than others when wintering at Midway Atoll. This winter has been a rough one for some seabirds with more frequent storms than usual at Midway Atoll. Even when exposed to winds over 50 miles per hour winds and torrential rain, albatrosses patiently sit through storms while devotedly incubating their eggs. Despite their fearless paternal instincts, some birds aren’t as lucky and won’t make it through the storms.

Sea level rise and surge from storms and tsunamis put seabird nests at risk of flooding. In the winter of 2011 a tsunami wreaked havoc on Midway Atoll and nearly 300,000 albatrosses’ nests were destroyed [click here].  Climate change and consequent processes such as increased storm intensity are difficult to predict accurately and may prove impossible to manage.

Midway Atoll is ecologically significant on a global scale. Altogether, nearly three million birds nest at Midway Atoll Refuge and Memorial each year, including the world’s largest population of albatrosses, nunulu (Bonin petrels), and endangered Laysan ducks.

To stem the loss of nesting habitat for seabirds, whose primary nesting islands in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands may be lost to sea level rise, Pacific Rim Conservation and other partners are working with the Monument co-managers to create new, safe nesting sites for them on high-islands. Such proactive partnerships created to establish more secure seabird colonies on high islands within the historical nesting range, provide hope for these seabirds to not disappear from the Hawaiian Islands.”

Read more here and see an earlier post in ACAP Latest News on falling trees affecting breeding Laysan Albatrosses.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 25 January 2022

Aerobic capacity is important to breeding fitness in Northern and Southern Giant Petrels

Shary Weckwerth Southern Giant Petrel watercolour Michelle Risi
A Southern Giant Petrel chick begs for food, watercolour by
ABUN artist Shary Weckwerth; after a photograph by Michelle Risi

Ted Lownie (Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada) and colleagues have published in the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology on oxygen-carrying capacity of breeding giant petrels Macronectes spp,

The paper’s abstract follows

“Reproduction, and parental care in particular, are among the most energy-demanding activities within the annual cycle of adult birds. Parents that cannot meet the metabolic demands and other physiological costs of raising offspring may opt to abandon chicks in favour of self-maintenance and future reproduction. Recent work examining reproductive trade-offs in birds revealed an important role of oxygen carrying capacity in mediating variation in parental effort. This study explores the aerobic factors underlying the success or failure of parental care in two closely-related petrel species during their breeding season on Bird Island, South Georgia: northern giant petrels (Macronectes halli) and southern giant petrels (M. giganteus). Failed breeders of both sexes and species had significantly lower hematocrit levels (by 5.48 ± 0.64%) than successful breeders, and reticulocyte counts also tended to be lower in failed males, consistent with the hypothesis that parental care and workload depend on aerobic capacity. We discuss these results in relation to differences in the foraging ecology of both species and sexes.”

With thanks to Richard Phillips, British Antarctic Survey.


Lownie, T., Jubinville, I., Williams, T.D., Phillips, R.A. & Crossin, G.T. 2022.  Varying aerobic capacity in relation to breeding stage and reproductive success in giant petrels (Macronectes spp.).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology  266. 111155.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 24 January 2022



The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674