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Two more animations from the Seabird Sentinels Project released to support World Albatross Day

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Albatrosses and large petrels are particularly at risk of bycatch when they are attracted to baited hooks in longline fisheries, or to discarded fish

Two more animations addressing seabird bycatch and created as part of the Seabird Sentinels Project were released yesterday to mark World Albatross Day on 19 June.  View the first animation (of four) which was produced to mark last week’s World Oceans Day from here.  Bycatch is when wildlife that is not targeted by fisheries, such as seabirds, are killed by fishing gear.  Albatrosses and large petrels are particularly at risk as scavengers attracted to dead or dying prey near the ocean surface. They feed on longline bait or discards (offal or unwanted catch) and can get caught on hooks or collide with trawler cables.  Their huge feeding ranges create an extra challenge in monitoring and mitigating these risks.

The third animation above shows that bycatch is a serious threat to albatrosses and some petrels.  However, effective mitigation measures exist that can reduce seabird bycatch by >90% in some fisheries, helping to protect many globally threatened species.

A fourth animation due to be released on 16 June will be featured in ACAP Latest News soon.

The four animations by Hannah Whitman have been funded by the United Kingdom's Darwin Plus government grants scheme and created as part of the British Antarctic Survey and BirdLife International's Seabird Sentinels Project.

With renewed thanks to Bernadette Butfield, International Marine Conservation Officer, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds & Richard Phillips, British Antarctic Survey for information.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 15 June 2022


The ACAP Infographic Series adds Black-footed and Laysan Albatrosses to mark World Albatross this year

 Black footed Albatross infographic colour 2

Two more infographics depicting conservation threats are released today for the Near Threatened Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes and the Near Threatened Laysan Albatross P. immutabilis.  They have been produced in collaboration with the Hawaii-based environmental NGO Pacific Rim Conservation to support World Albatross Day 2002 and its theme of “Climate Change”.

Both these albatrosses have most of their breeding populations situated on the low-lying atolls of the USA’s Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The atolls - and their breeding seabirds - are all at risk from predicted sea level rise and increases in the number and severity of storms that result in flooding, both considered a consequence of climate change.  Storm floods have already caused at least one small sandy islet to disappear into the sea, losing breeding sites for several thousand albatross pairs (click here).  Elsewhere in the island chain, as on Midway Atoll, storms have caused flooding of albatross nests and loss of chicks close to the shore.

Laysan Albatross infographic colour 2

Infographics in the three ACAP official languages of English, French and Spanish were produced earlier for the Critically Endangered Tristan Diomedea dabbenena and Waved Phoebastria irrorata Albatrosses and Vulnerable Wandering Albatross D. exulans to support World Albatross Day on 19 June 2021 and its chosen theme “Ensuring Albatross-friendly Fisheries”.  In addition, a Portuguese version of the Tristan Albatross infographic takes note that the species visits the waters of Brazil.  These three infographics were followed by a fourth in the same year, for the globally Endangered and Nationally Critical Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis, co-published with and sponsored by the New Zealand Department of Conservation in the three official ACAP languages.  Two more infographics in English for the Endangered Grey-headed Thalassarche chrysostoma and Near Threatened Shy T. cauta Albatrosses were produced in the first half of 2022 (click here).  They have been co-published with and sponsored by the Australian Antarctic Division.

All the infographics have been designed to help inform the general public, including school learners, of the threats faced by albatrosses and what is being and can be done to combat them.  They serve to complement the detailed and referenced ACAP Species Assessments, the more concise and illustrated ACAP Species Summaries and the ACAP Photo Essay series.

The eight infographics produced to date may be freely downloaded at a high resolution to allow for printing professionally in two poster sizes (approximately A2 and A3).  Please note they are only being made available for personal use or when engaging in activities that will aid in drawing attention to the conservation crisis faced by the world’s albatrosses and petrels – when ACAP will be pleased to receive a mention.

English and Portuguese language versions of infographics are available to download here, whilst French and Spanish versions can be found in their respective language menus for the website under, Infographies sur les espèces and Infographía sobres las especies.

Further infographics will be produced as new featured species are chosen to support future World Albatross Days, with the vision that, in time, all 31 ACAP-listed species will have their own infographic.  Currently, an infographic for the Endangered Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca is in production and will be released soon.  A further four infographics are to be sponsored by the Australian Antarctic Division for the Least Concern Black-browed Albatross T. melanophris, Near Threatened Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea and for Northern Macronectes halli and Southern M. giganteus Giant Petrels (both Least Concern).  These are all species that breed on Australia’s Macquarie Island.  New Zealand’s Department of Conservation will sponsor its second infographic, this time for the country’s endemic and Endangered Northern Royal Albatross D. sanfordi.

Lastly, the environmental NGO BirdLife South Africa will sponsor an infographic for the Near Threatened Light-mantled Albatross P. palpebrata.  With this sponsorship all four of the albatrosses that breed on Marion Island will have an infographic, helping drawing attention to the climate change driven threat they face from introduced House Mice, and the efforts being made by the Mouse-Free Marion Project towards ridding the island of its only remaining introduced mammal.  It will also mean that all of Australia’s eight ACAP-listed breeding species will have an infographic, to become one of the first ACAP Parties to achieve this level of coverage.

Production will start on the six new infographics in the second half of the year, with the intention that they will be available for release by World Albatross Day 2023.  French and Spanish versions will also be produced for all the new infographics.

With thanks once more to Namasri Niumim for her artistic work, and to Eric VanderWerf and Lindsay Young of Pacific Rim Conservation for their inputs.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 14 June 2022

Featuring ACAP-listed species and their photographers: the Salvin’s Albatross by Graham Parker, with Matt Charteris

A Salvin’s Albatross perches on its pedestal nest, from which the protruding upper bill of a conspecific can be seen

NOTE:  This post completes a series that features photographs of the 31 ACAP-listed species, along with information from and about their photographers.  In this last photo essay, Graham Parker of Parker Conservation, supported by photographs taken by colleague Matt Charteris, writes about his experiences visiting and conducting research on the breeding sites of the New Zealand endemic and globally Vulnerable Salvin’s Albatross Thalassarche salvini.

It has taken a village of 31 albatross researcher/photographers around the globe and nine months of gentle cajoling to complete this series covering 31 ACAP-listed species.  Graham and Matt’s essay has been posted on the first day of a week of marking and raising awareness of World Albatross Day 2022 on 19 June.  It is hoped the varied writing styles of the authors, along with at times their stunning photographs, will offer both interesting reading and insights into what it is really like to live with albatrosses.  Thanks to you all!

Approaching Proclamation Island, Bounties in 2018.  From left: Matt Charteris, Graham Parker, Kalinka Rexer-Huber and Paul Sagar

Preparing for our first trip to the Bounty Islands was different to any other island trip we’d prepared for.  The destination is particularly intimidating.  Lying some 670 km off the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island, the 13 unvegetated granite islands that make up the group comprise just 135 ha in total land area.  Sitting on the Bounty Plateau, the islands are surrounded by the Southern Ocean.  There is no safe haven once a vessel arrives at the Bounty Islands.  No sheltered anchorage where the yacht Evohe that was taking us there could hide away.  This is a crucial factor for workers wanting access to the islands to conduct research work on the Nationally Critical Salvin’s Albatross.

Proclamation Island in 2017, with Erect-crested Penguins and Salvin’s Albatrosses breeding on bare rock

The Bounty Islands are home to perhaps 30 000 - 40 000 breeding pairs of Salvin’s Albatrosses. That is by far the majority of the breeding population for the species, with just 1100-1200 pairs on the other breeding site, the Western Chain of the Snares Islands.  Salvin’s Albatrosses are frequently incidentally caught in New Zealand commercial fisheries, in other nations’ waters, and on the high seas.  Estimates are imprecise, but pretty scary: between 2002 and 2020 an estimated 4373 –-11 361 Salvin’s Albatrosses were killed in commercial trawl, and demersal and pelagic longline fisheries.  Most captures are in trawl, follow by demersal longline and then pelagic longline.  And that’s just the captures in New Zealand waters.

Fortunately for our first trip to the Bounty Islands we had the vastly experienced Paul Sagar with us.  We also had Matt Charteris on the team, another veteran of Southern Ocean albatross work.  Paul and Matt had both visited the islands previously and so their combined experience and knowledge were key to the success of our trip.  It takes two and a half to three days to reach the Bounty Islands by yacht.  To coincide with the incubation phase of the Salvin’s breeding cycle, our first trip was in October.  The austral spring is a time of swiftly changing weather in southern New Zealand, and frequent strong winds.  We knew we’d be in for some wild conditions, but we hoped to have enough weather windows to land on Proclamation Island and deploy satellite transmitter tags on breeding Salvin’s Albatrosses to better understand the birds’ movements relative to commercial fishing vessels in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone. We also planned to deploy GLS tracking tags and install cameras programmed to take hourly images, to better inform phenology for the species and provide some nest survival data.  Both GLS and cameras were retrieved in a follow up trip a year later.

A Salvin’s Albatress on Toru Islet, Western Chain, Snares Islands

The Bounty Islands sit low in the ocean. The highest point of the highest island is just 73 metres above sea level.  Approaching on a yacht rolling in the ocean swells, a sensory welcome awaits.  Eager to see the specks of land, our vision is clouded with gliding Salvin’s Albatrosses in their thousands circling the granite rocks.  A cacophony of noise follows as the sound of albatrosses, Erect-crested Penguins Eudyptes sclateri and New Zealand Fur Seals Arctocephalus forsteri, and a few less-abundant bird species, noisily go about their day.  Once close enough, our air intakes are filled with the intense smell of jam-packed breeding colonies. The roar of oceanic swells crashing into the rocky islands dominates noisily as we get close enough to inspect the landing site and gauge if we can get ashore.

Albatrosses and penguins on Proclamation Island, with yacht
Tiama keeping close by in 2015

Surging swells mean that the tricky part is getting from the yacht into a tender, and from the tender onto the kelp-covered rocks.  Once that is achieved, a welcoming party of fur seals awaits.  One of us must lead the group to gently persuade the fur seals out of our way, and to avoid causing a stampede of ‘furries’ madly colliding with the tightly packed Salvin’s Albatrosses and Erect-crested Penguins and crushing their eggs.  Matt embraced the role on our first trip, and we proceeded up the slippery rocks and a few tricky bits to climb with rope assist.  We felt like clumsy intruders, disturbing the established but delicate hierarchies of the island’s inhabitants.  Fur seal teeth and clappy-snappy bills are focused in our direction, but a corridor is allowed for us to access the top of Proclamation Island with minimal disturbance to the locals.  The cries of the breeding penguins are literally painful, and I prefer to use earplugs to ease the effect of their high pitched calls on my ears.  Normally a 360° view on an island is a hard-earned thing.  Not so on the Bounties, where ocean and sky are visible all around, enforcing the sense of isolation.

During the day a constant watch of the ocean conditions is maintained, and VHF radios are kept close to hear a ‘return to boat’ call from the vessel crew.  We land all the gear we need to camp on the island if we need to, but we really don’t want to have to resort to that.  Real estate is at a premium so any pitching of tents will involve shifting some unlucky residents.  The hard granite does not look a comfortable bed either, despite being more stable than our bunks back on the yacht. To minimise disturbance to the island we plan to return to the  Evohe after each workday.  On the days that there is too much swell to get on and off the island, we haul anchor, motor away to deeper water and sit with the vessel’s bow into the swell, waiting until the seas drop enough to return to the island.

Camp dancing Toru Matt Charteris
Rough seas, strong winds: camping on The Snares' Toru Islet is no picnic

On the first trip with Paul Sagar and Matt Charteris we successfully deployed GPS and GLS tags.  We returned a year later to recover the GLS and cameras and deploy further satellite tags.  In both years we conducted nest-inspection transects to confirm the proportion of apparent breeders that had eggs. These data can then be used to calibrate breeding population estimates derived from aerial images (by satellite, fixed wing plane or drone).

The Bounty Islands are a vitally important breeding site for Salvin’s Albatrosses. Visiting the islands is a massive privilege, and reinforces just how little we know about this species.  The scientific research that our trips conducted justifies disturbing the wildlife on those stunning islands, and future visits must be similarly justified.

Western Chain cave Snares Salvins Albatross Matt Charteris
Protected in a cave on the Snares’ Western Chain, nests used for repeated seasons can grow exceptionally tall; all photographs by Matt Charteris

Photographer Matt Charteris adds:

“I worked with Salvin’s Albatrosses on Toru and Rima Islets in the Western Chain of the Snares Islands and on Proclamation Island in the Bounty Islands over the period 2008 to 2018.  In 2018, Graham Parker and Kalinka Rexer-Huber of Parker Conservation joined the team and have continued the fieldwork programme.  It is a team that makes this work successful and safe.  Landings are difficult and opportunistic. Camping is awkward.  Support of the yachts and their skippers, the weather reader at the Roaring Forties Meteorological Service and Maritime Radio allowed the data gathering to happen.  Great to be involved!”


Sagar, P.M., Amey, J., Scofield, R.P. & Robertson, C.J.R. 2015.  Population trends, timing of breeding and survival of Salvin's albatrosses (Thalassarche salvini) at Proclamation Island, Bounty Islands, New Zealand.  Notornis 62: 21-29.

Sagar, P.M., Charteris, M.R., Carroll, J.W.A. & Scofield, R.P. 2011.  Population size, breeding frequency and survival of Salvin’s albatrosses (Thalassarche salvini) at the Western Chain, The Snares, New Zealand.  Notornis 58: 57-63.

Graham Parker, Parker Conservation, Dunedin, New Zealand, 13 June 2022

Announcing a second Albicake Bake Off for World Albatross Day, with its theme of “Climate Change”

Adam Naylor 2
The 2020 albicake winner,
Best Presentation theme and Overall Co-winner: ‘Gough in Miniature’ by Adam Naylor

Although ACAP is not running a World Albatross Day cake-baking competition this year as it did for the inaugural day in 2020, we are still strongly encouraging all the bakers and albatross lovers alike out there to bake an albatross creation to mark World Albatross Day in 2022.  Extra brownie (cake) points will be awarded for incorporating the WAD2022 theme of “Climate Change”!

We had not anticipated the incredible response to the 2020 call for albicakes that resulted in no less than 74 entries, with certificates being sent to all and posters to prize winners and runner ups in various categories (click here).  Some of the technicalities behind these cakes still amazes us today; we only wish we could have tasted them all!

Melanie Wells Light mantled Albatross 1
Our own 2020 creations!  Melanie works on her Light-mantled Albatross cake

Our 2020 call for albicakes was made at the height of the global COVID-19 lockdown.  Baking brought a much-needed distraction from those unsettling times and a great way to get creative while making something equally beautiful and delicious.  We think the world could always do with more albatross cakes and albatross facts being shared, so we would love to see your creations again this year to mark the third World Albatross Day on 19 June.

Michelle Risi Sooty Albatross 4
Our own 2020 creations!  Michelle with her Sooty Albatross cake baked on Gough Island

Post your albicakes on social media with the tag #albicakebakeoff so that we can enjoy them too.  Photos of albicakes should also be sent to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a few lines naming the baker(s) and giving your cake a title.  They will then all be archived in a photo album on the ACAP Facebook page.  Yours might even be selected for featuring on this website in ACAP Latest News!  Yours in albatross cakes, Michelle & Melanie (aka Michelanie).

Michelle Risi, Aldabra & Melanie Wells, Hobart, Australia, 10 June 2022

A bycatch animation by BirdLife International and the British Antarctic Survey marks World Oceans Day

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Yesterday was World Oceans Day – a day to celebrate and bring attention to our ocean and the wildlife that relies on it, including seabirds. Did you know seabirds are one of the most threatened groups of vertebrates in the world? Out of 362 species, a massive 43% are listed as threatened or near threatened. Want to know more about the threats that seabirds are facing? Check out the video here.

This animation by Hannah Whitman and funded by the United Kingdom's Darwin Plus government grants scheme is the first in a series created as part of the British Antarctic Survey and BirdLife International's Seabird Sentinels Project. Keep your eyes out for more videos in the coming days.

With thanks to Bernadette Butfield, International Marine Conservation Officer, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Richard Phillips, British Antarctic Survey.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 09 June 2022

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674