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THE ACAP MONTHLY MISSIVE. Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa Second Edition by Peter Ryan – a personal review

Ryan second edition 

My colleague of near half a century, Peter Ryan, has produced a new edition of his popular 2017 photographic book, Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa. With 40 more pages, the book is noticeably thicker than the first edition, but the same format will allow the two editions to sit nicely side by side in the seabird section of my study library. The publisher’s blurb has this to say:

This revised, updated and expanded edition of Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa remains the only book to focus exclusively on the seabirds of southern Africa and includes nine new species for the region.  An expanded introduction covering seabird origins, moult, feeding, breeding, conservation, and how best to watch and photograph these iconic birds [and] a bonus feature on flying fish and flying squid”. Worthy of a new review then, following on from my original in ACAP Latest News in April 2017.

Ryan#2 covers 142 seabird species which have been recorded (by specimens, accepted sightings, photographs or by tracking) in southern African waters and in the Southern Ocean and its oceanic islands south of Africa.  It is always tricky to decide what birds associated with the marine environment to include.  Peter takes what is perhaps a conservative view: there are no pelicans or grebes included, despite there being records of species of both groups, notably of the Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus and Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis, occuring pretty regularly close inshore in South African and Namibian waters, mainly in sheltered bays. This contrasts with Peter Harrison's seabirds of the world book where both groups are included.  I reviewed the second editIon of Harrison's book in an ACAP Monthly Missive earlier this year.  However, Peter Ryan does include some "marginal' seabirds among the cormorants, gulls and terns.  At least, unlike Harrison, who gives it a truncated account, he leaves out the Lesser Sheathbill Chionis minor of the Prince Edward Islands, a bird I know reasonably well, and one that at best is a shorebird that sometimes fossicks along the waters' edge. Really, there is no completely logical way in making the divide between sea and land! 

Antipodean Albatross off North Cape NZ 3 Kirk Zufelt
The next albatross for southern Africa?  An adult Antipodean Albatross off North Cape, New Zealand, photograph by Kirk Zufelt

The nine new species since Ryan#1 (I had to carefully compare the two editions to find them) include the ACAP-listed Campbell Albatross Thalassarche impavida, a New Zealand endemic, known so far from only a single tracked adult south of Africa that was undergoing a circumnavigation of the Southern Ocean. Among the procellariiforms, the Mascarene Pseudobulweria atterima and the Tahiti P. rostrata Petrels are also new listings. Looking at coverage, there are many new photos adding to the book’s length. For example, the section on the six species of prions Pachyptila spp. has increased from four to seven pages, affording each species a full page with more photos in the second edition.

There have been some name changes as well, reflecting new taxonomic thinking. The rockhopper penguins of the Prince Edward Islands are now considered to be the Eastern species Eudyptes filholi, and no longer a subspecies of the Southern E. chrysocome. In contrast, and unlike ACAP’s and BirdLife International’s treatments, the White-capped Albatross T. steadi remains as a subspecies of the Shy Albatross T. cauta across both editions. No less than 18 of the 22 species of albatrosses recognized by ACAP have been recorded in waters covered by the guide, some only as very rare vagrants. Three of the four Phoebastria albatrosses of the Pacific and the New Zealand endemic Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis are missing. I was lucky enough to be shown at sea the first ever and perhaps the only Laysan Albatross P. immutabilis to be spotted in the southern African region by Peter Harrison on our way to Marion Island way back on 29 April 1983 (click here). The Antipodean seems the most likely to turn up, but it is notoriously difficult to separate with any certainty from several of the other great albatrosses when sighted at sea, especially from the Tristan Albatross D. dabbenena. So it may have to be a tracked bird to make Ryan#3!  Two of the five ACAP-listed Procellaria petrels, both endemic to New Zealand, have not yet been recorded in southern African waters. They are the Black. P. parkinsoni and the Westland P. westlandica. The only other ACAP-listed species not yet recorded for southern Africa is the Pink-footed Shearwater Ardenna creatopus of the South Pacific. Remarkably then, 24 of the 31 ACAP-listed species are featured in Peter Ryan’s guide.

Gough 1984It's way back in 1984 and the ‘Fitztitute’ team is hamming it up for the camera on Gough Island. Peter is on the left, I am on the right, with Barry Watkins, Stevi Broni and the late Jim Enticott

Intriguingly, the new edition includes some non-avian flying animals. The ommastrephid flying squid Peter has photographed have yet to be identified to species; likewise he has photographed many varieties of flying fish, all of the family Exoceotidae, also without being able to assign them to species. Some of them are remarkably colourful and handsome. I learnt a deal more than I already knew about these little-studied animals from the five pages of text and photos. No bats seen flying over the sea as yet!

The font used throughout both editions is a rather a small one. I had no problem with this back in 2017, but this year I have dumped my long-worn multifocals after cataract operations and am now struggling to read the text without resorting to a magnifying glass under a bright light! I have resisted getting reading glasses since the operation on medical advice but may now have to give in. On the plus side, the small font and small maps and equally small but well-chosen photos keep the book a suitable size for field work. In fact, it should fit into one of those cargo pockets on the hiking vests some birders like to wear.

Ryan#2 keeps the book’s dedication to myself as a footnote on its title page and a generous mention in the acknowledgements, for which I remain most grateful and not a little proud. Since 2017 Peter has moved from being Director of the University of Cape Town’s FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology to being an Emeritus Professor in the Institute, so joining me in retirement. We first met and went on sea and shorebird surveys together when he was still a schoolboy, and I was in my 20s. In between then and now we have visited and worked together on most of the oceanic islands covered in his guide. Good memories!


Ryan P.[G.] 2023. Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa. Second Edition. Cape Town: Struik Nature. 200 pp. ISBN 978-1-77584-847-9. Paperback, many photographic illustrations. South African Rands 270.00.

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 07 November 2023

The 7th International Albatross and Petrel Conference is open for registration


Registration and abstract submission is now open for the 7th International Albatross and Petrel Conference (IAPC7). The conference is being held 20 – 26 May 2024 in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels’ Executive Secretary, Dr Christine Bogle is a plenary speaker at the conference and will be presenting on the Agreement and its achievements as it celebrates its 20th anniversary next year. 

Since 1995, the International Albatross and Petrel Conference has brought together the global procellariform community, and IAPC7 is set to be another stellar event involving plenary talks by keynote speakers, daily presentations covering diverse topics, and a dynamic poster session. 

Suggested topics for abstract submissions can be found at the conference website. Any questions about the process can be directed to the IAPC7 Scientific Program Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Travel awards are also available to eligible applicants. The deadline for abstract submissions and travel award applications is 1 February 2024. 

To register for the event and find out more information about IAPC7, head to the conference website, here.

06 November 2023

UPDATED. George and Geraldine, Midway Atoll’s sole Short-tailed Albatross pair, are back for a new season - and have an egg

2023 24 George Geraldine USFWS Jonathon Plissner
George (left) and Geraldine return for a new breeding season, photograph by USFWS/Jonathon Plissner

UPDATE:  The Short-tailed Albatross have an egg for the 2023/24 season and incubation is proceeding, with the male having taken over duties from the female after she laid her egg last month. On 2 November George and Geraldine's first chick (2018/19 season) was sighted back on Sand Midway's island as a four-year old juvenile.  It has been seen ashore previously (along with a younger sibling).  Perhaps there will be more than a single breeding pair on Midway Atoll one day?

2023 George incubating Jon Plissner 29 October"George is notably panting in this image [of him incubating] much like dogs do to stay cool in warmer temperatures and in the heat of the day albatross often put their back to the wind and literally lift their feathers to cool off",  photograph by Jon Plissner, 29 October 2023 


The Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus pair, known as George and Geraldine, are back on Midway Atoll. The birds were sighted together on Sand Island by a Fish and Wildlife Service volunteer team on 16 October.

“George was banded as a chick on the island of Torishima off the coast of Japan in 2005. He first arrives to Kuaihelani [Midway Atoll] in November 2006. For many years he would return as truly a lonesome George until Geraldine appears in 2016 when they are seen courting and practicing their dance moves. However, it wasn't until 2019 when they reared their first chick on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge.”

The sole Short-tailed Albatross pair on the atoll has now raised four chicks to fledging; two of have been seen back on Midway as juveniles. Access previous posts to ACAP Latest News on George and Geraldine here.

Information from the Friends of Midway National Wildlife Refuge Facebook Page.

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 24 October 2023, updated 05 November 2023

Are you going? Registration for the 51st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group has opened

PSG51 2024

The Pacific Seabird Group’s 51st Annual Meeting has opened for registrations. The theme for the event is “Faces of Seabird Conservation - shining a spotlight on the humans that love seabirds”.

The event will take place at the Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Organisers have promised a packed agenda as well as a selection of exciting field trips, including a bird watching tour, Seattle Aquarium tour, and Burke Museum tour.

Abstracts, inspired by the topics listed below, can be submitted until 28 November 2023: 

  • Symposium: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Special paper session: Banding
  • Special paper session: Offshore Wind Energy
  • Breeding biology
  • Citizen science, outreach, and local engagement
  • Climate change effects
  • Conservation, restoration, and policy
  • Contaminants and disease
  • Foraging and fisheries
  • Habitats and distribution
  • Migratory and non-breeding biology
  • Movement and behaviour
  • Physiology and energetics
  • Population dynamics and trends
  • Tools and techniques
  • Traditional ecological knowledge

Travel awards are also available to those who qualify. Applications for travel awards are included as part of the abstract submission process. More information on travel awards can be found, here.

For more information, head to the Pacific Seabird Group’s website for the event, here.

03 November 2023

House Mice have turned to killing adult great albatrosses on Gough and Marion Islands

Dead Wanderer Marion April 2023 Michelle Risi 1 shrunk
Mouse attack! This breeding Wandering Albatross found dead on Marion Island in April 2023 showed clear signs of wounds caused by House Mice, photograph by Michelle Risi

Maëlle Connan (Marine Apex Predator Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University, Gqeberha, South Africa) and colleagues have published early view and open access in the journal Biological Invasions on observations of introduced House Mice Mus musculus attacking and killing adult Critically Endangered Tristan Albatrosses Diomedea dabbenena on Gough Island and adult Vulnerable Wandering Albatrosses D. exulans on Marion Island.  The death of breeding adults confirms the need to eradicate the mice. Unfortunately, the attempt by the Gough Island Restoration Programme to eradicate Gough’s mice in 2021 failed. Eradication of the mice on Marion Island is set to take place in winter 2026, according to the Mouse-Free Marion Project.

The publication also reports observations of two wounded Wandering Albatrosses (thought to also be due to mice) photographed at the same time; their fate being unknown. See the photographs below.

The corpse of a female adult Tristan Albatross found after being attacked by mice on Gough Island in April 2021, photograph by Roelf Daling

The paper’s abstract follows:

“Invasive rodents threaten native species in numerous ecosystems, especially oceanic islands. The House Mouse Mus musculus is the only introduced mammal species on sub-Antarctic Gough and Marion Islands. Ample evidence exists of mice preying upon seabird chicks on these two islands, but there have been only a few reports of attacks on adult seabirds, none of which has been fatal. We report the first deaths of adult great albatrosses due to mouse attacks. On Gough Island, three Tristan Albatrosses Diomedea dabbenena (Critically Endangered) brooding small chicks were observed with wounds typical of mouse attacks in March-April 2021; two likely abandoned their chick, causing breeding failure, and the third was found dead eight days after discovery with large blowfly larvae in the wound. On Marion Island, two wounded and eight dead adult Wandering Albatrosses D. exulans (Vulnerable) were found in April 2023. Inspection of the wounded individuals, as well as the injuries on the fresh carcasses strongly suggest that mouse predation was the cause of death. Gough Island is home to virtually all Tristan Albatrosses, and Marion Island is the single most important breeding site for Wandering Albatrosses, home to about a quarter of all breeding birds. The death of breeding adults of these long-lived species emphasizes the urgent need to eradicate introduced mice from these islands.”

Dead Wanderer Marion April 2023 Chris Jones 2 shrunk
Another view of the dead Wandering Albatross with typical wounds caused by mice on its wings, photograph by Chris Jones
Injured Wanderer Albatross Christopher Jones

Injured Wanderer Albatross2 Christopher Jones

Wounded Wandering Albatrosses, Marion Island, April 2023.  Top male, bottom female,  photographs by Chris Jones

With thanks to Maëlle Connan, Roelf Daling, Chris Jones and Michelle Risi.


Connan, M., Jones, C.W., Risi, M.M., Smyth, L.K., Oppel, S., Perold, V., Stevens, K.L., Daling, R. & Ryan, P.G. 2023. First evidence of mouse predation killing adult great albatrosses.  Biological Invasions

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 02 November 2023

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674