ACAP Latest News

Read about recent developments and findings in procellariiform science and conservation relevant to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels in ACAP Latest News.

ACAP Breeding Site No. 94. Rosemary Rock, New Zealand’s northernmost albatross colony

Rosemary Rock Jenn Carol

Rosemary Rock, photograph by Jennifer Carol

Rosemary Rock is a small islet (0.9 ha; 170 x 40 m; 50 m high) with steep cliffs in the Princes Chain of the Manawatāwhi/Three Kings Islands group, situated 57 km north of New Zealand’s North Island.

Rosemary Rock adults

Buller's Albatrosses on Rosemary Rock, photograph by Kevin Parker

The partially vegetated basalt islet, the smallest in the chain, supports a population of some 15-35 pairs of the globally Near Threatened and nationally Naturally Uncommon Buller’s Albatross Thalassarche bulleri first discovered on the islet in 1983. During the most recent visit in May 2020 blood samples were collected from three adults to determine the birds’ taxonomic status; results are awaited to confirm whether New Zealand’s northernmost breeding albatrosses are, as suspected, of the Northern subspecies T. b. platei.  At the time there were only six occupied nests, containing four live and two dead chicks, possibly a consequence of high temperatures in the 2019/20 breeding season causing nest failures.  Red-billed Gulls Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae scopulinus also breed on the rock.

Bullers Albatross chicks Rosemary Rock Kevin Parker

Buller's Albatross chicks on Rosemary Rock, photograph by Kevin Parker

The uninhabited Manawatāwhi/Three Kings Islands with a total land area of 6.85 km² are managed by the local iwi (Māori tribe) Ngāti Kuri and the New Zealand Department of Conservation as a nature reserve.  Rosemary Rock is free of introduced mammals, including rodents.  Given that landing is difficult even in calm seas it seems the islet requires no additional protection.

Read an earlier ACAP Latest News post post on Rosemary Rock.

With thanks to Kevin Parker and Matt Rayner.


Frost, P. 2017.  Sooty Tern: Three Kings Islands.

Frost, P.G.H., Fitzgerald, N., Robinson, R. & Hamilton, O. 2018. Buller’s mollymawk (Thalassarche bulleri) on Rosemary Rock, Three Kings Islands, New Zealand. Notornis 65: 164-167.

McCallum, J., Brook, F. & Francis, M. 1985.  Buller's Mollymawks on Rosemary Rock, Three Kings Islands, in 1985.  Notornis 32: 257-259.

Powlesland, R. 1990.  Report on a visit to Great Island, of the Three Kings, 25 February – 6 March 1989.  Science and Research Internal Report No, 72 No, 72.  Wellington.: Department of Conservation.  20 pp.

Rayner, M.  2020.  Blog. The mystery of Manawatāwhi mollymawks: a history and field report.  Auckland Museum, 7 May 2020.

Rayner, M.J., Parker, K.A., Neho, T. & Hvid, T. 2020.  Buller’s mollymawk (Thalassarche bulleri platei) count at Rosemary Rock, Manawatāwhi (Three Kings Islands).  Notornis 67: 580-582.

Wright, A.E. 1984. Buller's Mollymawks breeding at the Three Kings Islands.  Notornis 31: 203-207.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 13 January 2021

Brazilian artist Wendell Ribeiro passes away leaving a World Albatross Day portrait to help conservation

 Atlantic Yellow nosed Albatross Wendell Ribeiro

Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross by Wendell Ribeiro

For the first two months of last year ACAP collaborated with Artists & Biologists Unite for Nature (ABUN) to produce artworks that were used to support the inaugural World Albatross Day on 19 June.  Over a hundred artists contributed, and their artworks have been used to produce posters, a video and to illustrate posts to ACAP Latest News.  As ABUN and ACAP embark on a second collaboration this month entitled “Painting Petrels in Peril”, comes the sad news that one of the collaborating artists who painted albatrosses last year for ‘WAD2020’ has passed away.  ABUN co-founder Kitty Harvill writes evocatively below on the ABUN Facebook page of the passing of Brazilian artist, Wendell Ribeiro in a vehicle accident at the age of 46 on 8 January.

Wendell Ribeiro Birgitte Tummler

Wendell Ribeiro, together with fellow ABUN artist, Birgitte Tūmmler

“It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of our ABUN member, Wendell Ribeiro. I am so incredibly saddened by this news.  What a wonderful, positive, supportive and talented person Wendell was.  He was so encouraging to me as a foreigner as in love with his Brazilian nature as he was.  He will be deeply missed.  I'm sharing Wendell's artwork for ABUN in 2020, to honour this kind and gentle man.  Deepest sympathy and condolences to his family and friends.  We are all blessed that he touched our lives and brought joy to this world”.

Wendell was an English teacher in Pouso Alegre, a small country city in Minas Gerais, a State in south-eastern Brazil, who had only discovered his artistic talent in the last few years.  His beautiful rendition of an Endangered Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche chlororhynchos that he produced was inspired by a photograph taken on Gough Island by Michelle Risi.  His painting will continue to be used by ACAP to illustrates its posts and products to help increase awareness of the plight facing the world’s albatrosses, in a small way helping to mark his memory.

Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatrosses on Gough Island, photograph by Michelle Risi

With thanks to ABUN artists and Wendell’s friends, Kitty Harvill and Birgitte Tūmmler.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 12 January 2020

ACAP’s theme for this year’s World Albatross Day on 19 June is “Ensuring Albatross-friendly Fisheries”

WALD Logo 2021 01 English 

The WAD logo for 2021 is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish; designed by Geoffry Tyler

Following on from last year’s World Albatross Day theme of “Eradicating Island Pests”, ACAP’s chosen theme for 2021 is “Ensuring Albatross-friendly Fisheries”.  The large number of albatrosses and petrels killed by fisheries was the main driving force for the establishment of ACAP two decades ago and addressing this continuing conservation problem remains an important part of ACAP’s ongoing work.  A new ACAP World Albatross Day Group has been formed with members Jonathon Barrington (Australia), John Cooper (ACAP Information Officer), Verónica López (Chile), Tatiana Neves (Brazil), Stephanie Prince (UK) and Michelle Risi (South Africa).  The ‘WAD Group’ has a geographical (and language) spread, along with experience from research, NGO and governmental backgrounds.


Tristan Albatross and chick on Gough Island, photograph by Michelle Risi

In support of World Albatross Day ACAP intends to highlight one or more of the 22 albatross species each year with posters and other artworks.  The featured species chosen for 2021 are the two most threatened albatrosses, both categorized by IUCN as Critically Endangered (defined as facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild).  They are the Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena of the United Kingdom’s Gough and Inaccessible Islands and the Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata of Ecuador’s Islas Española and  de la Plata.  The posters depicted here of these two species were designed by Michelle Risi.  They will also be produced with French and Spanish texts.  Downloadable high-resolution versions in all three ACAP languages suitable for framing and display will be posted to this website in the coming days.  Scroll down here to read two-page illustrated species summaries for the Tristan and Waved Albatrosses that are aimed at school learners and the general public .

WAD2021 WAVAL English

Waved Albatrosses of Isla Española, Galapagos Islands, photograph by Laurie Smaglick Johnson

The WAD Group is working towards other products and activities to increase awareness of the conservation crisis that continues to be faced by the world’s albatrosses and petrels.  Look out for more posts to ACAP Latest News on ‘WAD2021’ between now and 19 June!

With thanks to Laurie Smaglick Johnson and Geoffry Tyler.

John Cooper, Jonathon Barrington, Verónica López, Tatiana Neves, Stephanie Prince & Michelle Risi, ACAP World Albatross Day Group, 11 January 2021

Off the hook (and cable): mitigation reduces mortality in Namibian fisheries by over 20 000 birds a year

 white chinned petrels  namibia 4 july 2012 john patterson

White-chinned Petrels hooked and drowned by a Namibian longliner, photograph by John Paterson

Nina Da Rocha (BirdLife International Marine Programme, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, UK) and colleagues have published in the journal Biological Conservation on how well bycatch mitigation has reduced seabird mortality in Namibian waters.

The paper’s abstract follows:

“Many industrial activities impose a threat on biodiversity, and it is unclear to what extent environmental regulations can reduce the threat of such activities. Bycatch in industrial fisheries is one of the greatest sources of mortality for seabirds, but a threat for which effective mitigation exists. Here we quantify whether the introduction of a new regulation that required the use of bird-scaring lines reduced seabird mortality in two of the most hazardous fisheries in the South Atlantic. The Namibian hake demersal trawl and longline fisheries, estimated to be killing 20,000–30,000 birds/year, have been required to use bird-scaring lines since 2015. We used data from BirdLife International's Albatross Task Force and the Namibian Fisheries Observer Agency to quantify changes in seabird mortality in these fisheries before and after the introduction of these regulations. Our estimated bycatch rates in the longline fleet were 0.468 birds/1000 hooks (95% confidence interval 0.067–1.450) before regulations and 0.004 birds/1000 hooks (0.001–0.013) following their introduction, a 98.4% reduction. Our estimate suggests that 215 (1–751) seabirds were killed across this fleet in 2018 compared to 22,222 (3187–68,786) in 2009. In the trawl fleet, observers recorded seabird mortality resulting from interactions with trawl cables. The average rate of heavy interactions was 1.09 interactions/h (0.81–1.39) before the regulation came into effect, and 0.49 interactions/h (0.23–0.84) since then. Extrapolations based on the number of observed fatal interactions suggest 1452 (0–3865) birds were killed by this fleet in 2017 compared to 7030 (0–16,374) in 2009. The lower mortality reduction in the trawl fleet is likely due to incomplete implementation of regulations and highlights the importance of adequate enforcement for effective bycatch mitigation. Overall, we demonstrate that regulations that mandate that well-tested safeguards are used during industrial operations can have enormous benefits for the conservation of threatened species.”

Read a popular account here.

With thanks to Rory Crawford, Bycatch Programme Manager - BirdLife International Marine Programme.


Da Rocha, N., Oppel, S., Prince, S., Matjila, S., Shaanika, T.M., Naoma, C., Paterson, J.B., Shimooshili, K., Kashava, S. & Crawford, R. 2020.  Reduction in seabird mortality in Namibian fisheries following the introduction of bycatch regulation.  Biological Conservation 253.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 08 January 2021

A count of Northern Buller’s Albatrosses on Rosemary Rock, New Zealand’s most northerly albatross colony

 Rosemary Rock adults

Matt Rayner (Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum, New Zealand) and colleagues write in the journal Notornis on Northern Buller’s Albatrosses Thalassarche bulleri platei in the Manawatāwhi/Three Kings Islands.  Six occupied nests were found on Rosemary Rock, with four unguarded live and two dead chicks present.  “Compared with previous observations our count suggests a poor breeding season for Buller’s mollymawk on Rosemary Rock in 2019/20.  [F]urther work is clearly required to ascertain the trajectory and threats to New Zealand’s most northern albatross colony.”

Rosemary Rock chicks

Northern Buller's Albatross adults and chicks on Rosemary Rock, photographs by Kevin Parker

Read a popular account of the field trip to Rosemary Rock from the Auckland Museum and also a previous ACAP Latest News post on the visit.

With thanks to Kevin Parker, Matt Rayner, and Roger Sharp of Web Support, Birds New Zealand.


Rayner, M.J., Parker, K.A., Neho, T. & Hvid, T. 2020.  Buller’s mollymawk (Thalassarche bulleri platei) count at Rosemary Rock, Manawatāwhi (Three Kings Islands).  Notornis 67: 580-582.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 07 January 2020

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674