World Albatross Day celebrations around the world: Japan holds a three-week-long event

Japan WADSW 2024 07 07 Hiroshi Hasegawa
Organizers and contributing artists gather i
n the Nature Centre of the Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park on 07 July, the last day of a three-week exhibition held as part of the World Albatross Day and Seabird Week held over 15-21 June.  The Short-tailed Albatross decoy in front of Dr Hiroshi Hasegawa (centre) was previously used on Torishima.  Dr Hasegawa photographed the life-sized bird displayed on the banner hehind him.  The downy Short-tailed Albatross chick, a life-sized  needle felt creation by Tsugumi immediately to its left, formed part of the exhibit, as did the decoy

With the fifth World Albatross Day on 19 June having passed, it is pleasing to note the celebration has become a growing global phenomenon, with the day being marked around the world, as evidenced by a compilation of illustrations that had been posted to social media and by organized events, such as those held each year since 2020 by the Australian Antarctic Division.

Japan 2024 WADSW exhibit 2
The venue for the World Albatross exhibit
held in the Nature Centre of the Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Japan is no exception.  The fourth World Albatross Day and Seabird Week was held in Japan over 15-21 June this year.  It is the second to take place in person, having been held online in 2021 and 2022.  The event began with a call to action by Short-tailed Albatross doyen Dr Hiroshi Hasegawa, who is well known to ACAP Latest News readers, both from his publications and for his stunning photography.  The event was organized by six NGOs in Japan – BirdLife International Tokyo, Institute of Boninology, Little Tern Project, the Oceanic Wildlife Society, the Wild Bird Society of Japan and the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology.

The audience listens to one of the event’s talks held in the Nature Centre

On 16 June at the Nature Centre of the Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park and online, seven talks were given to nearly 120 participants (in-person and on online).  Subjects of the talks included seabirds as the most threatened bird group, fisheries bycatch, an update on Short-tailed Albatross conservation, on the extremely rare Chinese Crested Tern, the role of aquaria in seabird conservation, at-sea observations from ferries, artworks (mainly drawings and photographs, but also needle-felted seabirds), as well as Short-tailed Albatross and Little Tern decoys.  In addition, seabird conservation animation series were shown on repeat.  About 1200 visitors enjoyed the exhibition.

Japan 2024 WADSW little tern guided tour
Searching for Little Terns on the field outing

During the week a guided tour to the site of a rooftop colony of Little Terns attracted more than 40 participants, and flying terns and other birds were seen.

Read more about Japan’s celebration of WAD2024 in Japanese here.

preview shorttailed eng No Yamashina logo
ACAP Species Infographic for the Short-tailed Albatross, a Japanese version is in production in support of World Albatross Day

With thanks to Yasuko Suzuki, BirdLife International for information.

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 11 July 2024

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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