Day Two of ‘World Albatross Week 2020’. The Colouring-in Competition gets off to a slow start - so round up your nieces and nephews


A rainbow Sooty Albatross by Sara Pizarro Magnasco, aged 10

The World Albatross Day Colouring-in Competition which was announced on 2 June, two weeks ago, very few entries have been received to date - unlike the Great Albicake Bake Off, which has received over 65 entries.  It seems colouring line drawings of albatrosses is much less exciting than baking!

Unlike the Bake Off competition, which is now closed and the images are being readied for the judges, coloured drawings may be submitted up to 30 June.  So there is still time to download drawings, find your crayons or coloured pencils and talk to your children, grand-children or nieces and nephews.  If you know any primary school teachers please consider copying this post to them.

Penelope Roman Lain 4

A Waved Albatross gets the colourful treatment by Penelope Roman Lain, aged four

Following discussion with a couple of “grown-ups”, a new adult category for the “young at heart” between 16 and 100 years has been established, for which a poster prize will also be awarded.  So there’s no real excuse if you are self isolating or in quarantine at home, or just needing a few minutes of relaxation in this COVID-19 world, to have a go yourself.

Light mantled Albatross rainbow Oli Prince Marion Schön 

A rainbow Light-mantled Albatross drawn and coloured by Marion Schön (16+!), from a photograph (see below) by Oli Prince

To enter the competition, simply download drawings by clicking below the chosen photographs, colour in as many as wished, write the name and age of the child (or name of adult!) in the available blank space on each one, then scan or photograph the finished drawings and e-mail them to  Write “Colouring-in Competition” in the Subject Field and the child’s name and age and your e-mail address in the body of the message. There is no limit to the number of entries submitted per child (or adult)

Note it is not essential-to colour in the albatrosses with realistic colours, although the original photos can be viewed as a guide.  Artistic license is encouraged, so hoping to see some more COVID-19 rainbow albatrosses.

All entrants will receive a specially designed electronic certificate illustrated with an albatross painting for printing. Age-category winners will in addition receive a high-quality albatross poster by mail suitable for framing.

Light mantled Albatross Oli Prince 

Light-mantled Albatross, photograph by Oli Prince

 John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 16 June 2020

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674