Carpeta Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Information Papers

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 01: Effect of environmental variability on seabird assemblages SUMMARY

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_01 Environmental variability_Hernandez et al_s_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1.  Maximiliano Manuel Hernandez, Marco Favero & Juan Pablo Seco Pon.

Efecto de la variabilidad ambiental sobre los ensambles de aves marinas en la confluencia Brasil-Malvinas durante el invierno austral.

Effect of environmental variability on seabird assemblages across the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence during the austral winter.

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pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 02: Foraging habitat suitability of T. melanophris SUMMARY

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_02_Foraging habitat suitability T.melanophris_Paz et al_s_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1. Jesica Andrea Paz et al.

Idoneidad del hábitat de alimentación invernal del Albatros de ceja negra Thalassarche melanophris en el Atlántico Sudoccidental: la importancia de considerar la clase etaria para mejorar la gestión de conservación.

Foraging habitat suitability of Black-browed albatrosses Thalassarche melanophris wintering in the south-west Atlantic Ocean: acknowledging age class to improve conservation management.

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pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 03: Waved Albatros POA timeline

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_03 Waved_albatros_POA timeline.pdf

Agenda Item 4.1.  Marco Favero & Kate Huyvaert.

Review of Advisory Committee discussions relevant to the implementation of the Waved Albatross Plan of Action. 

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 04: Ecological traps in marine ecosystems SUMMARY

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_04_Ecological traps_Anguita et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1. Cristóbal Anguita, Cristián F. Estades, Alejandro Simeone.

The emergence of ecological traps in marine ecosystems: the case of seabirds and fisheries.

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pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 05 Rev 1: Overview of the impacts of fishing on seabirds

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_05_Rev_1_Impacts_fisheries_review_Votier et al.1.pdf

Agenda Item 3. Stephen C. Votier et al.

An overview of the impacts of fishing on seabirds, including identifying future research directions.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 06: Waved Albatross - 5 action areas

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_06 Waved albatross_5 action areas.pdf

Agenda Item 4.1. Kate Huyvaert, Giovanny Suárez Espín & Sea McKeon.

Five Action Areas for the Conservation of the Waved Albatross.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 07: Habitat preferences of Phoebetria albatrosses

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_07 Sooty_light-mantled_habitat_preferences_Bentley et al.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1. Lily K. Bentley et al.

Habitat preferences of Phoebetria albatrosses in sympatry and allopatry.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 08: Behavioral responses to climate change SUMMARY

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_08 Behavioral responses to climate change_Becker_et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 3.4. Sarah Becker et al.

Understanding behavioral responses to climate change to forecast eco-evolutionary dynamics of albatross populations.

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pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 09: Iniciativas para la conservacion albatros y petreles en Perú

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_09 Conservacion albatros y petreles en Peru.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1. Cynthia Romero y María Andrea Meza-Torres.

Revisión de las iniciativas para la conservación a de albatros y petreles en relación con la pesquería en el Perú.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 10: Varamientos de procellariiformes en el litoral peruano

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_10 Varamiento procellariformes litoral peruano.pdf

Agenda Item 3.4. Chauca-Huánuco Jennifer, Aguilar-Arakaki Regina, Macalupú Joe.

Varamientos de procellariiformes en el litoral peruano durante el 2023.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 11: Endurance or Extinction; long-term population trends SUMMARY

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_11 Trends_SG_albatrosses_Mackley et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 4.1. Elizabeth K. Mackley et al.

Endurance or Extinction; long-term population trends in black-browed, grey-headed and wandering albatrosses.

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pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 12: Ocean Risk Zones for Seabird-Safe Toolkit

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_12 Ocean Risk Zones_Seabird Safe.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1. Olivia Rowley, Ana Carneiro, Igor Debski.

Developing Ocean Zones for the Seabird-Safe Fishing Toolkit.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 13: Decisive conservation action in ABNJ

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_13 Decisive conservation action in ABNJ_Gee et al.pdf

Agenda Item 3.4. Moses F. Gee et al.

Decisive conservation action in areas beyond national jurisdiction is urgently required for seabird recovery in the face of global change.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 14: GLS tracking of Buller’s Albatross

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_14 Buller's albatross tracking_Fischer et al.pdf

Agenda Item 3.1. Johannes H. Fischer et al.

Year-round GLS tracking of Northern Buller’s Albatross and comparison with Southern Buller’s Albatros.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 15: CCSBT Seabird Project

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_15 CCSBT Seabird Project.pdf

Agenda Item 5. Secretariat of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna.

Update on CCSBT Seabird Project.

pdf Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 16: Managing Birdstrike

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Joint_SBWG12_PaCSWG8_Inf_16 Managing Birdstrike_Tierney et al.pdf

Agenda Item 3.4. Megan Tierney et al.

What goes thump at night:managing bird-strike in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Island.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674