AC13 Doc 08 Rev 1: 2023 Interim Finance Report
Agenda Item 6.1. Secretariat
AC13 Inf 01: Agreement Budget 2023-2025
Agenda Item 8 & 13. Secretariat
AC13 Inf 04: The Tasman Sea as a candidate High Seas MPA
Agenda Item 7.2. BirdLife International
AC13 Doc 14: Secretariat Work Programme 2023-2025
Agenda Item 5.2. Secretariat
AC13 Meeting Circular No 4
Registration reminder, Heads of Delegation Meeting, Seabird Bycatch Workshop and Local Information about Edinburgh
AC13 Doc 13: AC Work Programme 2023-2025
Agenda Item 13.2. Advisory Committee Chair, Vice chair, Secretariat
AC13 Doc 15: MoP7 outcomes relevant to AC
Agenda Item 8 & 13. Advisory Committee Chair, Secretariat
AC13 Doc 17: Opportunities to enhance AC reporting to MoP
Agenda Item 13.1. Advisory Committee Chair
AC13 Doc 06: Secretariat Report
Agenda Item 5.1. Secretariat
AC13 Doc 07: Report of Depositary Government
Agenda Item 4. Australia. Report of Depositary Government on the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (Canberra, 19 June 2001)