The justification, design and implementation of Ecological Risk Assessments of the effects of fishing on seabirds
Small et al. 2013 first published in Marine Policy and re published here with permission
Amsterdam Albatross: National Plan of Actions 2011-2015
See also Taking action for The Amsterdam albatross
AC7 Doc 12 Rev 2: PCSWG Report
Agenda Item 9.1. Author: PCSWG
AC7 Doc 14 Rev 2: SBWG Report
Agenda Item 11
AC7 Report
AC7 Doc 13 Rev 1: Taxonomy Working Group Report
Agenda Item 10.1
AC7 Doc 10 Rev 1: Secondment Programme Guidelines
Agenda Item 12.3. Author: Grants Sub committee, Secretariat
AC7 Doc 19 Rev 1: Agreement’s Strategy to Engage New Parties
Agenda Item 4. Author: AC Chair, Secretariat
AC7 Doc 03 Rev 1: Meeting Schedule
Agenda Item 2. Author: Chair Advisory Committee, Secretariat
AC7 Doc 08 Rev 2: Interim Financial Report for 2013
Agenda Item 6.1. Author: Secretariat