AC13 Doc 06: Secretariat Report
Agenda Item 5.1. Secretariat
AC13 Doc 07: Report of Depositary Government
Agenda Item 4. Australia. Report of Depositary Government on the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (Canberra, 19 June 2001)
AC13 Doc 16: Collaboration between IAC and ACAP
Agenda Item 5.1 & 13.2. IAC Scientific Committee et al. Identification of conservation actions to booster the implementation of the MoU between ACAP and IAC
AC13 Doc 02: Annotated Draft Agenda
Agenda Item 2. Advisory Committee Chair, Secretariat
AC13 Doc 04: List of Meeting Documents
Agenda Item 2. Advisory Committee Chair, Secretariat
AC13 Doc 10 Rev 1: Report of the Taxonomy Working Group
Agenda Item 10.1. Taxonomy Working Group
AC13 Doc 01: Draft Agenda
Agenda Item 2. Advisory Committee, Secretariat
AC13 Meeting Circular No 3
Visa Guidance for Delegates
AC13 Meeting Circular No 2
Dates and Venue for AC and Working Group Meetings, Workshop on Bycatch data, Template for Meeting Documents, Meeting Registration and Hotel information
AC13 Meeting Circular No 1
Meeting location and dates, meeting agenda, submission of documents, applications for Observer status