AC13 Report
AC13 Doc 12 Rev 1: Joint SBWG11-PaCSWG7 Report
Agenda Item 12.1. SBWG and PaCSWG Convenors and Vice convenors
AC13 Doc 11 Rev 1: SBWG Report
Agenda Item 11.1. Seabird Bycatch Working Group
Northern Royal Albatross: "Trojan Horse" by Holly Parsons - Portuguese
Northern Royal Albatross: "Baby in a Bottle" by Snah - Spanish
Black-footed Albatross: "Trapped" by Rosana Venturini - Spanish
Black-footed Albatrosses: "Plastic Lament" by Patricia Latas - Spanish
Laysan Albatross: "Mother's Inadvertent Actions" by Izzy Niesen - Spanish
Northern Royal Albatross: "Trojan Horse" by Holly Parsons - Spanish
Black-footed Albatross: "Plastic Pollution" by Grisselle Chock - Spanish