Southern Seabirds Solutions' "Mitigation Pathway" aims to support development of new mitigation techniques UPDATED

The Southern Seabird Solutions Trust, with support from Sanford Ltd, Solander Seafoods and Te Ohu Kaimoana, has developed an online resource to assist fishers and other inventors in developing their seabird bycatch mitigation ideas.  "We want to encourage people everywhere to keep their thinking caps on and come up with new seabird mitigation ideas or work to adapt existing ones," says Janice Molloy, Trust Convenor. "We also want to help them through the process of developing their idea into something that is effective and used by fishing fleets around the world."  The Mitigation Development Pathway is easy to access, contains clear step by step guidance with resources and case studies that will be useful for those considering development of mitigation ideas.  The resource is available at


The SSST is also calling for nominations for its "2010 Seabird Safe Award" to be made to an individual, land-based company or industry group that is making a real difference for seabirds at sea. Nominations close on 31 July 2010. Fishers, companies, vessels, fisheries, individuals and groups are all eligible for nomination. They must be actively involved in commercial fishing and the implementation of seabird bycatch mitigation in New Zealand waters (click here).


The 2010 Seabird Safe Award winner will be announced in August 2010. Past winners of the Seabird Safe Award are Charles Hufflett of Solander Fisheries (2005) and Murray Williamson of South East Resources (2007).

The Southern Seabird Solutions Trust is an alliance that includes representatives from the fishing industry, government, Maori organizations and environmental groups to support and encourage fishers in the Southern Ocean to adopt responsible fishing practices. Its scope extends beyond New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone because seabirds that breed within New Zealand territory are global travellers, roaming the oceans as far afield as Australia, Japan, South Africa and North and South America.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 7 April 2010



The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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