ACAP Latest News

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Foraging behaviour of Black Petrels and other New Zealand burrowing seabirds filmed underwater

Chris Gaskin (Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust, Auckland, New Zealand) and colleagues have produced a report on diving and foraging behaviour of petrels and shearwaters in New Zealand waters for the Conservation Services Programme of the New Zealand, Department of Conservation.

The report’s summary follows:

“Petrels and shearwaters are known to have an extra-ordinary ability to dive while seeking food - shearwaters for example are capable of diving to the astonishing depth of over 65 metres. This project aims to document the diving and feeding behaviour of petrels and shearwaters in response to fishing baits so as to inform future development of methods of reducing seabird bycatch. As fishing baits are attractive, there is a significant risk of fatal interactions between seabirds and commercial and recreational fishing activities. Black petrel Procellaria parkinsoni and flesh-footed shearwater Ardenna carneipes have been identified as being at high risk from commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters, particularly longline fisheries that target snapper and bluenose, in addition to interactions with recreational fishers. This threat is most pronounced during the breeding season as these species migrate out of New Zealand waters during winter. The initial two-day trial documented in this report was designed to test a camera rig and underwater diver as methods of recording the diving behaviour of seabirds. The trial was conducted on two days (31 March and 4 April 2016) in the area between Hauturu and Cape Rodney/Tawharanui using equipment custom-made for this project. An underwater camera rig consisting of an adjustable array of seven GoPro+ cameras was deployed from the stern of an 11m boat. The cameras were angled with overlapping camera sets to provide a wide field of view of both near-surface and underwater activity. This rig was supplemented by video and still photography using a fixed deck camera, a diver and underwater camera, and at one location a snorkeler with a GoPro. Baits of cut pilchard and squid were dropped within two metres of the camera rig. Conditions on both trial days were not ideal with relatively poor visibility, moderate swell and strong winds at times. In addition the timing of the trial at the end of the breeding season for both back petrel and flesh-footed shearwater meant that relatively few birds were present and there was little competition for baits. During 4.7 hours of filming over the course of the two days we witnessed the interaction of nine seabird species with baits or with other seabirds attracted to bait: fluttering shearwater, fleshfooted shearwater, black petrel, Buller’s shearwaters, black-backed gull, red-billed gull, Cook’s petrel, Australasian gannet and Arctic skua. A total of 415 individual dives were [sic] recorded during the survey period.  Several feeding behaviours were observed. These included flying dives, surface sighting and seizing, duck dives, short dives and prolonged foraging dives. Birds were seen to investigate baits while underwater and, on a number of occasions, reject them. The birds were also highly maneuverable underwater and capable of changing direction with ease. During this successful initial trial investigating the diving behaviour of at-risk petrels and shearwaters, we made novel discoveries regarding the interactions of these species underwater and their diving capabilities, including: 1) Bait preferences differ between species; 2) Seabird species have different diving inclinations; and 3) Heterospecific interactions around a prey source. The present study shows that the use of a multi-frame camera apparatus and diver with camera is effective in better understanding the behaviour of petrels and shearwater in interactions with bait and fishing lines. This method can be applied to more in-depth and scientifically controlled studies related to bait preferences, diving and visual acuity, and interactions between seabird species and fishing apparatus. This information is critical in mitigating fisheries by-catch and provides important data for better understanding the at-sea biology of seabirds. We propose a series of further trials be conducted in November/December 2016 using both recreational and commercial fishing vessels. In addition to using and extending the current methodology, we propose the use of an ROV to film a commercial boat setting and hauling nonhooked baited long-lines. We also propose using the camera rig suspended from a buoy to attempt to film natural seabird feeding activity within an active ‘work-up’ (ie. birds feeding in association with fish-schools).”


Black Petrel, photograph by 'Biz' Bell


Gaskin, C.P., Ross, J.R. Robinson, R. & Friesen, M.R. 2016.  Diving & Foraging Behaviour of Petrels & Shearwaters – Initial Trials.  Prepared for the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation.  Auckland: Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust.  25 pp.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 12 August 2016

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission will discuss mitigation of seabird bycatch in the Seychelles this month

The 12th Meeting of the Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch (WPEB12) of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) will be held later this month in Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles.

According to its agenda, the meeting will review new information on seabird biology, ecology, fisheries interactions and bycatch mitigation measures, review the mitigation measures included within Resolution 12/06 “On Reducing the Incidental Bycatch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries” and develop management advice on the status of seabird species. 

Anton Wolfaardt, Convenor of ACAP’s Seabird Bycatch Working Group will attend WPEB12.  ACAP will inform the meeting of the latest best-practice advice for mitigating seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries that has been developed by the SBWG.

Click here for a report on the last meeting of the WPEB.


Design for a bird-scaring line

With thanks to Anton Wolfaardt.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 11 August 2016


ACAP will present its latest best-practice advice for mitigating seabird bycatch to an ICCAT meeting in Madrid next month

Anton Wolfaardt, Convenor of ACAP’s Seabird Bycatch Working Group (SBWG) will be attending the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) Intersessional Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Ecosystems in Madrid, Spain over 05-09 September.

As part of its deliberations the meeting will examine trends in annual by‐catch numbers and by‐catch rates of seabirds as a first step in the evaluation of the effect of ICCAT’s current seabird mitigation measure (Supplemental Recommendation by ICCAT on Reducing Incidental By‐catch of Seabirds in ICCAT Longline Fisheries – Recommendation 11.09).  ACAP will be submitting papers to the meeting to inform this evaluation process.  These will include information on latest best-practice advice for mitigating seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, and work that the SBWG is progressing on estimating and reporting seabird bycatch (see SBWG7 Doc 5).

The meeting will also consider seabird by‐catch and mitigation in the Mediterranean.

Click here for a report on ACAP’s attendance at the 2015 meeting of ICCAT’s Sub-Committee on Ecosystems.

With thanks to Anton Wolfaardt.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 10 August 2016

Southern Giant Petrel populations appear stable in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica

Mary Petry (Laboratório de Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo, Brazil) and colleagues have published in the journal Polar Biology on trends in ACAP-listed Southern Giant Petrels Macronectes giganteus and other seabirds in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica.

The paper’s abstract follows:

“The monitoring of the status and distribution of seabird populations is necessary to understand their spatial and temporal responses to rapid climate changes occurring in the Western Antarctic Peninsula area.  We surveyed and mapped Admiralty Bay bird communities and related them to climate variables—temperature, temperature anomaly, Antarctic Oscillation Index and El-Niño Southern Oscillation Index.  We recorded 13 breeding seabird species over three seasons (2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012) and mapped 10 of them over an area of 149.5 ha.  The ice-free areas with the greatest number of species were Point Thomas, Keller Peninsula and Hennequin Point.  The most abundant species was the Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) followed by the Chinstrap Penguin (P. antarcticus).  We observed that the number of breeding pairs of Gentoo Penguins (P. papua), Chinstrap Penguins and skuas (Catharacta maccormicki and C. antarctica) are related to temperature, temperature anomaly and El-Niño Southern Oscillation Index.  The size of breeding populations and their distributions have been fluctuating over the last 30 years in ice-free areas of Admiralty Bay.  Most species showed a decreasing trend from 1978 to 2012, with the exception of Chinstrap Penguins, Southern Giant Petrels (Macronectes giganteus) and skuas, which seem to be stable in numbers in the last two decades.  Decreases in seabird populations from the Antarctic Peninsula are widely recognized as a response to environmental change and anthropogenic influences such as tourism and building activities, thus highlighting the importance of monitoring to support.”


White-phase Southern Giant Petrel in Antarctica, photograph by Michael Dunn


Petry, M.V., Valls, F.C.L., Petersen, E., Krüger, L., da Cruz Piuco, R. & dos Santos, R.C. 2016.  Breeding sites and population of seabirds on Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica.  Polar Biology 39: 1343. doi:10.1007/s00300-015-1846-1.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 09 August 2016

Regional variation in mercury levels in wintering Streaked Shearwaters

Yutaka Watanuki (Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan) and colleagues have published in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series on mercury concentrations in Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas.

The paper’s abstract follows:

“We measured mercury concentration ([Hg]) and nitrogen stable isotope values (δ15N) in tail feathers that were replaced during the non-breeding period of streaked shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas that bred on 3 islands in Japan.  The birds’ year-round movements were tracked and their breeding status was monitored.  [Hg] was greater in males than in females, and was greatest in those birds spending their non-breeding period in the South China Sea (3.1 ± 1.5 µg g-1 dry weight), moderate in birds in the Arafura Sea (1.5 ± 0.7 µg g-1), and lowest in birds in the Pacific Ocean north of New Guinea (0.8 ± 0.4 µg g-1).  Adverse effects of feather [Hg] on breeding status were not observed.  This regional variation in feather [Hg] might partly reflect differences in the intake of Hg between these non-breeding areas in addition to accumulation during the late breeding period and the southward migration period.”

Streaked Shearwater at sea


Watanuki, Y., Yamashita, A., Ishizuka, M., Ikenaka, Y., Nakayama, S.M.M., Ishii, C., Yamamoto, T., Ito, M., Kuwae, T. & Trathan, P.N. 2016.  Feather mercury concentration in streaked shearwaters wintering in separate areas of southeast Asia.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 546: 263-269.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 08 August 2016

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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