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Peru’s Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI) offers its support for World Albatross Day

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CORBIDI (Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad) is a Peruvian non-profit association created in 2006.   Its goal is to develop foundations that support biodiversity conservation.  Composed of experienced professionals, it specializes in wildlife assessments, particularly in ornithology. Its biologists, forest engineers, veterinarians, graduates, students and volunteers are dedicated to the study, research and conservation of natural resources in Peru.

The NGO’s institutional objectives are to: 1) Participate and implement scientific research projects; 2) Promote environmental conservation, interacting with public and private specialized centres to develop harmonized policies in areas of biodiversity conservation; and 3) Promote and disseminate criteria to raise awareness of the need for the protection and conservation of natural resources.

ACAP Latest News reached out to CORBIDI to gain its support for the inaugural World Albatross Day on 19 June.  In reply, CORBIDI’s Principal Researcher, Fernando Angulo writes (in translation) that:

“Peru, despite being a country with a high diversity of albatrosses and petrels does not pay them proper attention.  The habits of these birds, of using the open sea and only approaching the coast, makes them not well known in the popular imagination. That is why events and initiatives aimed at raising their profile and making them more well-known, and learning of their conservation problems, are welcome. From CORBIDI, we want to get involved and support such initiatives.”


CORBIDI members on a birding excursion

CORBIDI has been holding a series of on-line talks as part of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Global Big Day, held on 9 May, when it was planned to collect 100 000 bird checklists globally in one day via eBird.

Within Peru support for ‘WAD2020” has also come from Pro Delphinus, an NGO that conducts research and conservation of threatened and endangered marine turtles, marine otters, seabirds and sharks in Peruvian waters.

With thanks to Fernando Angulo Pratolongo, Principal Researcher, Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI), Peru

Verónica López, Chair, ACAP World Albatross Day Intersessional Group & John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 14 May 2020


Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI) DE Perú ofrece su apoyo para el Día Mundial del Albatros

CORBIDI (Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad) Es una Asociación sin fines de lucro creada en el año 2006. Esta integrada por profesionales experimentados especializados en evaluaciones de fauna silvestre, particularmente en Ornitología (biólogos, ingenieros forestales, veterinarios, graduados, estudiantes y voluntarios); dedicada al estudio, investigación y conservación de los recursos naturales en el Perú.

Tiene como objetivos institucionales, 1) Participar y ejecutar proyectos de investigación científica, 2) Promover la conservación del medio ambiente, interactuando con centros especializados como entidades públicas y privadas para desarrollar políticas armonizadas en ámbitos de la conservación de la biodiversidad; y, 3) Promover y difundir criterios para crear conciencia de protección y conservación de los recursos naturales, ejecutando proyectos de investigación.

CORBIDI respondió el llamado de ACAP para apoyar el Día Mundial del Albatros a realizarse por primvera vez el 19 de junio del presente año.  En respuesta, el investigador principal de CORBIDI, Fernando Angulo, escribe que:

“El Perú, a pesar de ser un Pais con una alta diversidad de albatros y petreles, no se les presta la atencion debida. Las costumbres de estas aves, de usar el mar abierto y acercarse timidamente a la costa, hace que no estén en el imaginario popular. Es por ello, que eventos e iniciativas destinadas a levantar su perfil y hacerlas más notorias, conocidas, y aprender de sus problemas de conservacion, son bienvenidas. Desde CORBIDI, queremos involucrarnos y apoyar estas inciaitivas.”

CORBIDI ha estado llevando a cabo una serie de charlas en línea como parte del Gran Día Global de conteo de aves “Big Day”del Laboratorio de Ornitología de Cornell el 9 de mayo, cuando se planea recolectar 100 000 listas de verificación de aves en todo el mundo en un día a través de eBird.

En Perú, el apoyo para ‘WAD2020” también provino de Pro Delphinus, una ONG que lleva a cabo investigaciones y conservación de tortugas marinas, nutrias marinas, aves marinas y tiburones amenazados y en peligro de extinción en aguas peruanas.

Con agradecimiento a Fernando Angulo Pratolongo, Investigador Principal, Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI), Perú.

Verónica López, Presidenta, Grupo Intersesional del Día Mundial del Albatros de ACAP y John Cooper, Oficial de Información de ACAP, 14 de mayo de 2020

UPDATED. Book review: “Garbage Guts” by Heidi Auman explores the dangers of plastic pollution to marine life through the eyes of a Laysan Albatross


"Attention all parents, teachers, librarians, environmental and educational groups - I've  created a video narrating my children's book, Garbage Guts, to share for free. This was part of my isolation challenge and what I can do to make our world a bit nicer place. Please share with anyone who may be interested. At the end is a short lesson on my research behind the story, plus an educational handout on how to lower your 'plastic footprint'."

View author Heidi Auman reading her book (with realistic barfing noises) here.

Gsarbage Guts Laysan Heid Auman

Garbage Guts gets a critical review from a Laysan Albatross, photograph courtesy of Heidi Auman


“Aria the Albatross was about to barf.  “Haccck! Eccch-pwah!”  With a cough and a splatter she threw up a pink plastic toothbrush, a red plastic cigarette lighter; and a white plastic bottle cap on the soft white sand.”

Garbage Guts by Heidi Auman

Heidi Auman, who lives in Tasmania, Australia, has in the past studied plastic and chemical pollution in albatrosses on the USA’s Midway Atoll.  Armed with this hands-on experience – and a passion for sharing her scientific knowledge with a wider audience, including young people - she has now written a book for children on the subject.  In her book, dramatically illustrated by Romanian artist, Luminita Cosareanu, Heidi has Ari, a female Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis, travel away from her island home to find out where all the plastic items she and her albatross friends have been regurgitating are coming from.

On her journey over a sea full of floating trash she meets other animals that have been affected; a turtle that has half swallowed a plastic bag, a seal caught up in a strapping band and a whale entangled by a ghost fishing net.  Aril helps the turtle and seal to get free but has to call on some nearby humans to help free the whale.

The take-home message is that marine pollution is derived from the land and that children can help and become involved by joining beach clean-ups.

The text includes some short poems sang by each distressed animal as thanks to the concerned albatross.  With page-sized illustrations to look at this book would be a good bed-time story for parents to read to their young sons and daughters, who could join in with learning and singing the songs.  The text is large and should be easy for children learning to read to follow.

Click here and here for two other accounts of Heidi’s book.

Heidi Auman has worked with the Albatross and Petrel Agreement in the past, helping research and write several of the ACAP Species Assessment texts for albatrosses.

Click to view a listing of other children’s books on albatrosses and petrels on this website: it’s been visited nearly 4000 times!

With thanks to Heidi Auman.


Auman, H. 2014.  Garbage Guts.  Illustrated by Luminita Cosareanu.  Indianopolis: Dog Ear Publishing.  Unpaginated [64 pp.].

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 05 October 2014, updated 13 May 2020

Speak up! Listening for Short-tailed Shearwaters to assess breeding density

Short tailed Shearwater off Noth Cape NZ Kirk Zufelt s

Short-tailed Shearwater at sea, photograph by Kirk Zufelt

Katherine Brownlie (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Burwood, Australia) and colleagues have published in the journal Emu - Austral Ornithology on using acoustic loggers in Short-tailed Shearwaters Ardenna tenuirostris colonies to estimate breeding information.

The paper’s abstract follows:

“Establishing appropriate conservation management objectives and actions for seabirds requires timely detection of changes in their populations.  However, obtaining regular accurate measures of seabird population size and trends can be difficult due to logistical and financial constraints in accessing remote breeding sites.  The Short-tailed Shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris) is a wide-ranging, burrow-nesting Procellariiform [sic] with an estimated breeding population size of ca 23 million individuals.  Despite its ecological significance, there is currently limited monitoring of the species. In the present study, eight acoustic data loggers were deployed across six sites over two breeding seasons to assess the efficacy of acoustic monitoring.  Five acoustic indices were used to investigate vocal activity over the breeding season, detect phenology events, and to determine the most accurate period to assess the density of occupied nests.  The general pattern over the breeding season was similar for several of the acoustic indices and reflected colony attendance patterns. Linear regressions fitted to the normalised difference soundscape index values and density of occupied nests (burrows·m−2) revealed significant relationships in both the incubation and chick-rearing.  The results suggest that passive acoustic monitoring could be used as an effective method to predict nesting density in Short-tailed Shearwater breeding colonies.  Used in conjunction with information on the breeding colony area, this could enable regular estimates of colony population size. Such information is crucial for the early detection of population trajectory changes. The method may also be applicable for other burrow- or surface-nesting seabirds for which regular wide-spread monitoring currently proves difficult.”


Brownlie, K.C., Monash, R., Geeson, J.J., Fort, J., Bustamante, P. & Arnould, J.P.Y. 2020.  Developing a passive acoustic monitoring technique for Australia’s most numerous seabird, the Short-tailed Shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris).  Emu - Austral Ornithology, DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2020.1732828.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 13 May 2020

Brazil’s Albatross Task Force takes its World Albatross Day banner to the seashore

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Dimas Gianuca (left) and Gabriel Canani (Projeto Albatroz/ATF) holding their WAD2020 banner on the shore with the South West Atlantic as background, photograph by Mariana Scain Mazzochi

With the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly shutting down the whole world, this year’s inaugural World Albatross Day is no exception in facing disruption to its planning.  Several countries have had to cancel events set to mark the day and it looks like ‘WAD2020’ is going to have to be a strictly ‘virtual’ event come 19 June.

As part of its efforts to raise awareness of World Albatross Day, ACAP Latest News approached the five national teams of BirdLife International’s Albatross Task Force to make and then photograph a WAD2020 banner out at sea on a fishing vessel.  Getting in early, the ATF teams in Chile and South Africa took their banners out to sea to be photographed aboard fishing trawlers.  Then along came coronavirus with its accompanying social distancing, self-isolation and lockdowns.  In Argentina, with no fishing vessels heading out the ATF team had to resort to photographing their banner at home.  Much the same problem in Brazil as ATF Leader Dimas Gianuca of the NGO Projeto Albatroz writes to ALN:

“Bad weather prevented going outside for a good picture in the last two days.  I was tempted to take a picture at home, but that would not be fair having the South-West Atlantic as a backyard”.  Not being able to gain access to a fishing harbour, let alone out to sea on a fishing vessel, Dimas and colleagues took their banner to the seaside: “We are at Cassino Beach, Rio Grande, in southernmost Brazil, where Atlantic Yellow-nosed and Black-browed Albatrosses and giant petrels can be spotted from the shore during winter - not mentioning the Magellanic Penguins and fur seals on the beach.”

Dimas goes on to describe their work with Projeto Albatroz and ATF:

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“Projeto Albatroz currently work across four ports, from north to south: Itaipava (ES), Cabo Frio (RJ), Itajaí (SC) and Rio Grande (RS).  Rio Grande (30ºS) and Itajaí (26º), the two most southerly Brazilian ports, harbour the southern Brazilian pelagic longline fleet, which operates in waters with high densities of albatrosses and petrels. Projeto Albatroz and the ATF have worked extensively with this fleet mapping seabird bycatch, developing mitigation measures and supporting public policies to reduce seabird mortality. Extensive at-sea trials have been conducted over the last 15 years, with the voluntary collaboration of fishers, including research on mitigation measures such as bird-scaring lines (left), line-weighting, night setting (right) and Hookpods, which have contributed to guiding national and international policies.”

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Dimas Gianuca (left) on a Brazilian longliner

ACAP Latest News asks all ATF members to take care and stay safe in these difficult times.

Projeto Albatroz is sponsored by Petrobrás through the "Programa Petrobrás Socio-Ambiental" and supported by BirdLife/RSPB through the Albatross Task Force Programme.

With thanks to Dimas Gianuca.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 12 May 2020

ACAP Breeding Site No. 93. Mukojima, Ogasawara Islands: a Short-tailed Albatross translocation site

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Short-tailed Albatrosses gather around  a chick on Mukojima

Mukojima (commonly known as Keta Island) is located in the northernmost part of the Japanese Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands south of Japan and about 60 km north of the inhabited island of Chichijima.  With an area of 2.6 km², it is the largest island of the Mukojima Island Group, which is made up of four main islands, along with smaller islets and rocks.  From the end of 1800s the island was inhabited by cattle ranchers and farmers, but since 1944 the island has been mostly uninhabited.  The highest point reaches 88 m in the eastern part, but the island is mainly flat.

Mukojima from the sea

After residents left Mukojima, feral Domestic Goats Capra aegagrus hircus seriously damaged the once mainly forested island that supported endemic invertebrates and plants, resulting in severe vegetation loss and erosion.  The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) undertook an eradication programme from 1998 for four years that removed 940 goats from Mukojima.  It also managed to eradicate the Black Rat Rattus rattus from the island by 2009.  Today, the island is mostly a dry grassland with a few small forested patches near the shoreline.

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A view of Mukojima

Three North Pacific albatross species breed on Mukojima: Black-footed Phoebastria nigripes, Laysan P. immutabilis (both Near Threatened) and the globally Vulnerable Short-tailed P. albatrus.  The Black-footed Albatross is the most abundant species of the three, producing over 50 fledglings in recent years.  On an islet called Mukotori-shima, just off Mukojima, there are about 200 fledglings produced.  In the whole Mukojima Island Group about 1000 Black-footed Albatrosses fledge each year from five islands (Mukojima, Mukotori-shima, Nakodojima, Nakodojima-torishima and Yomejima – all uninhabited).  The total number has been increasing, almost doubling in the last 15 years.

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Black-footed Albatross on Mukojima

The Mukojima Island Group is the only breeding site for Laysan Albatrosses in the western North Pacific.  In 2013 there were 11 occupied nests on Mukojima, with 15 on Mukotori-shima and one on Yomejima.  Unlike for Black-footed Albatrosses, Laysan Albatross numbers have shown no discernable trend in recent years.  The number of chicks fledging varied from five to 19 a year from 1990 to 2013.  Monitoring and banding studies have been conducted by the TMG and the Institute of Boninology since 2004.

Mukojima is best known as a translocation site for the Short-tailed Albatross.  Over five years from 2008 to 2012 70 Short-tailed Albatross chicks were translocated from Torishima – the species’ main breeding site - to Mukojima, where they were hand fed until 69 of them fledged.  The aim was to create a new colony on an island not at risk to volcanic activity, as is Torishima.  Some of the hand-reared individuals have come back to the island and started to breed.  One pair has been successfully breeding on the island, and as of 2020, two individuals that have fledged naturally from Mukojima have been seen to return to the island.  The translocation project was conducted by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Japanese Ministry of the Environment, and the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology (YIO). The breeding and behaviour of the Short-tailed Albatrosses on Mukojima have been monitored by the TMG and YIO since 2012.  Access ACAP Latest News posts about the translocation project here.

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Short-tailed Albatross chick on Mukojima, photograph by T. Minami

A Short-tailed Albatross chick fledged from uninhabited and now goat-free Nakodojima, five kilometres away from from Mukojima, in 2014; an island where approaching a thousand Black-footed Albatrosses also breed (click here).

The Ogasawara Islands were designated as a World Heritage Natural Site in 2011.


Deguchi, T., Sato, F., Eda, M., Izumi, H., Suzuki , H., Suryan, R.M., Lance, E.W., Hasegawa, H. & Ozaki, K. 2016  Translocation and hand-rearing result in short-tailed albatrosses returning to breed in the Ogasawara Islands 80 years after extirpation.  Animal Conservation 20: 341-349.

Government of Japan 2010.  Nomination of the Ogasawara Islands for Inscription on the World Heritage List.  [Tokyo]: Government of Japan.  228 pp.

Horikoshi, K., Suzuki, H. & Chiba, H. 2015.  Breeding status of Laysan Albatross in Mukojima Island Group.  Ogasawara-Kenkyu-Nenpo (Annual Report of Ogasawara Research) 38: 51-64 (in Japanese).

Ministry of the Environment 2009.  Management Plan for the Ogasawara Islands World Natural Heritage Nominated Site (Draft).  Tokyo: Ministry of the Environment.  31 pp. [in Japanese].

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The Mukojima Short-tailed Albatross translocation site is on the centre horizon, photographs by Teru Yuta

Teru Yuta, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Japan & John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 11 May 2020

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674