Announcing a second Albicake Bake Off for World Albatross Day, with its theme of “Climate Change”

Adam Naylor 2
The 2020 albicake winner,
Best Presentation theme and Overall Co-winner: ‘Gough in Miniature’ by Adam Naylor

Although ACAP is not running a World Albatross Day cake-baking competition this year as it did for the inaugural day in 2020, we are still strongly encouraging all the bakers and albatross lovers alike out there to bake an albatross creation to mark World Albatross Day in 2022.  Extra brownie (cake) points will be awarded for incorporating the WAD2022 theme of “Climate Change”!

We had not anticipated the incredible response to the 2020 call for albicakes that resulted in no less than 74 entries, with certificates being sent to all and posters to prize winners and runner ups in various categories (click here).  Some of the technicalities behind these cakes still amazes us today; we only wish we could have tasted them all!

Melanie Wells Light mantled Albatross 1
Our own 2020 creations!  Melanie works on her Light-mantled Albatross cake

Our 2020 call for albicakes was made at the height of the global COVID-19 lockdown.  Baking brought a much-needed distraction from those unsettling times and a great way to get creative while making something equally beautiful and delicious.  We think the world could always do with more albatross cakes and albatross facts being shared, so we would love to see your creations again this year to mark the third World Albatross Day on 19 June.

Michelle Risi Sooty Albatross 4
Our own 2020 creations!  Michelle with her Sooty Albatross cake baked on Gough Island

Post your albicakes on social media with the tag #albicakebakeoff so that we can enjoy them too.  Photos of albicakes should also be sent to the ACAP Information Officer with a few lines naming the baker(s) and giving your cake a title.  They will then all be archived in a photo album on the ACAP Facebook page.  Yours might even be selected for featuring on this website in ACAP Latest News!  Yours in albatross cakes, Michelle & Melanie (aka Michelanie).

Michelle Risi, Aldabra & Melanie Wells, Hobart, Australia, 10 June 2022

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674