Seabird identification and bycatch mitigation: a list of field manuals and guides/UPDATED



Over the last decade or so, a number of publications, suitable for use aboard fishing vessels, has been produced to aid in identifying seabirds caught on longlines and in reducing seabird bycatch in longline fisheries.  A bibliographic list follows.


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Biswell, Shelly F. 2007.  A Fisher's Guide to New Zealand Seabirds. [Wellington]: Department of Conservation.  55 pp.


Brothers, Nigel [1990s].  Catching Fish not Birds.  A Guide to Improving your Longline Fishing Efficiency.  [Hobart]: Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania.  73 pp.  ISBN 0 7246 4282 X


Brothers, Nigel & Hoy, Dawn [1990s].  Longline Fishing Dollars and Sense.  Catching Fish not Birds using Bottom Set or Mid Water Set Longlines.  Pesca de Palangreros los Dolares y en Sentido Comun.  Capturando Peces en Vez de Aves Marinas usando Palangreros de Profundidad.  80 pp.   Stanley: Consolidated Fisheries Ltd.  ISBN 0 7242 4538 8.  A Chinese version was published in 1998.


CCAMLR 1996.  Fish the Sea Not the Sky.  How to Avoid by-catch of Seabirds when Fishing with Bottom Longlines.  Hobart: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. 46 pp.  Also published in French, Russian and Spanish.


Onley, Derek & Bartle, Sandy 1999.  Identification of Seabirds in the Southern Ocean.   A Guide for Scientific Observers aboard Fishing Vessels. Wellington: Te Papa Press & Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.  81 pp.  ISBN 0 909010 47 1.  Also published in French, Russian and Spanish.


Petersen, Samantha & Honig, Maria [2000s]. A Practical Guide to Understanding & Reducing Vulnerable Bycatch.  Keeping our Endangered Marine Life off the Hook.  [Cape Town]: WWF South Africa & BirdLife South Africa.  103 pp. + illustrations.


 Posted by John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 13 January 2009, upadted 21 January 2009

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