SBWG12 Meeting Documents

pdf SBWG12 Doc 01 Rev 1: Draft Agenda Nuevo

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SBWG12_Doc_01_Rev_1 Draft Agenda.pdf

Agenda Item 3.  SBWG Convenors and Vice-convenors.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 03 Rev 1: List of Documents Nuevo

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SBWG12_Doc_03_Rev_1_List of documents.pdf

Agenda Item 3. SBWG Convenors and Vice-convenors.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 05: Update to Trawl Review & BPA

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SBWG12_Doc_05 BPA Trawl update_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Igor Debski, Verónica Iriarte, Leandro Tamini.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 06: Update to Demersal Longline Review & BPA

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SBWG12_Doc_06 BPA Demersal LL update_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1. Megan Tierney, Juan Pablo Seco Pon.

ACAP Review of Mitigation Measures and Best Practice Advice for Reducing the Impact of Demersal Longline Fisheries on Seabird.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 07: Update to Pelagic Longline Review & BPA

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SBWG12_Doc_07 BPA Pelagic LL update_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. Sebastián Jiménez, Jonathon H S Barrington.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 08: Mitigation Factsheets update

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SBWG12_Doc_08 Mitigation factsheets_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 15.2. Sebastián Jiménez, Yann Rouxel, Secretariat.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 09: Minimum Weight at Hook for Pelagic LL

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SBWG12_Doc_09 Min line weighting_Brothers_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. Nigel Brothers.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 10: Effectiveness of CMMs for reducing seabird bycatch SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Doc_10 Effectiveness of CMMs_Bell et al_E_s_f_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. James Bell et al.

Effectiveness of Conservation and Management Measures for reducing seabird bycatch on pelagic longlines in the South Atlantic.

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pdf SBWG12 Doc 11: Plan de Acción Regional - Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo (PAR AM)

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SBWG12_Doc_11 GT PAR-AM_S_e_f.pdf

Agenda Item 12.1. Grupo de Trabajo PAR AM Argentina & Uruguay.

Plan de Acción Regional para reducir la interacción de aves marinas con las pesquerías en el área del Tratado del Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo (PAR AM)

pdf SBWG12 Doc 12: Relative efficacies of alternative branchline weighting designs SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Doc_12 Branchline weighting_Gilman et al_E_s_f_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. E Gilman et al.

Relative efficacies of alternative branchline weighting designs at mitigating seabird bycatch in longline fisheries.

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pdf SBWG12 Doc 13: Floated demersal longline mitigation in NZ

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SBWG12_Doc_13 Floated demersal longline mitigation NZ_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1.  Dave Goad et al.

Seabird bycatch mitigation development for floated demersal longline fisheries in New Zealand.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 14: Seabird Safe Fishing Toolkit

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SBWG12_Doc_14 Seabird-Safe Fishing Toolkit_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 13. Janice Molloy, Stephanie Good, Mandy Leathers, and Igor Debski.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 15: Black petrel interactions w bottom longlines

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SBWG12_Doc_15 Black petrel interactions w bottom longlines_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 11.2.  Meyer, S.; Hickcox R.

Comparing results of black petrel capture interactions with bottom longlines using different data collection method.

pdf SBWG12 Doc 16: Net Monitoring Cable Mitigation on Continuous Trawl SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Doc_16 NMC_Mitigation_Continuous_Trawl_E_s_f_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. J. Moir Clark et al.

Developing Net Monitoring Cable Mitigation Measures on Continuous Trawl Vessels.

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pdf SBWG12 Doc 17: Incidental mortality in Argentine fisheries SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Doc_17_Incidental mortality in Argentine fisheries_Hernandez et al_E_s_f_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1. Maximiliano Manuel Hernandez, Juan Pablo Seco Pon & Marco Favero.

Incidental mortality of seabirds in Argentine fisheries: impact assessment of the longline fleet on Black-browed albatrosses and White-chinned petrels.

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pdf SBWG12 Doc 18: Stakeholder perspectives on mitigation measures SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Doc_18 Stakeholder perspectives_Iwan et al_E_s_f_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 13. M. Agustina Iwan et al.

Reducing bycatch in offshore commercial fisheries: stakeholder perspectives on mitigation measures.

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pdf SBWG12 Doc 19: Minimum standards for ACAP advice on branch line weighting

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SBWG12_Doc_19 Minimun Standard line weighting_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. Sebastián Jiménez, Igor Debski, Dimas Gianuca, Megan Tierney.

Minimum standards for the ACAP advice on branch line weighting for pelagic longline fisheries

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674