SBWG12 Information Papers

pdf SBWG12 Inf 01: Bycatch Management Strategy Evaluation

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SBWG12_Inf_01 Bycatch Management Strategy Evaluation_Gilman_et_al.pdf

Agenda Item 4. Eric Gilman, Hilario Murua, Milani Chaloupka.

Inputs for Comprehensive Bycatch Management Strategy Evaluation in Tuna Fisheries.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 02: ACAP Small Grant 2023-10 - Manufacture of heavy hook

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SBWG12_Inf_02_Small grant 2023-10_Heavy hook_Brothers.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. Nigel Brothers & Igor Debski.

ACAP Small Grant 2023-10 progress report - Manufacture of a new concept pelagic longline heavy hook.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 03: Net monitoring cable mitigation

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SBWG12_Inf_03 Net monitoring cable mitigation_Tamini et al.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Leandro L. Tamini et al.

Advances in mitigating seabirds interactions with the net monitoring cable.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 04: Interactions with high seas demersal trawl SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_04 High seas demersal trawl Spain-Uruguay_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 14. Sebastián Jiménez et al.

Assessing seabird interactions with high seas demersal trawl fisheries from the southwest Atlantic: collaborative research between Spain and Uruguay.

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 05: Implementation of ACAP through Brazil's National Plan of Action

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SBWG12_Inf_05 PLANACAP_Brazil.pdf

Agenda Item 12.1. Andrei L Roos et al.

Updates on the Implementation of the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels through Brazil's National Plan of Action.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 06: Chilean experience with discards & bycatch

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SBWG12_Inf_06 Chilean experience w discards & bycatch.pdf

Agenda Item 12.1. Luis Cocas, Marcelo García, and Luis Adasme.

Chilean experience in the diagnosis, reduction and control of discards and seabird incidental bycatch.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 07: Trawl mitigation factsheet Chile draft

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SBWG12_Inf_07 Trawl mitigation factsheet Chile draft.pdf

Agenda Item 15.2. Marcelo García et al.

Mitigation of seabird bycatch in Chilean trawl fisheries - FACT SHEET.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 08: Update on EM device for compliance with bird scaring lines

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SBWG12_Inf_08 Update on EM device for compliance w bird scaring lines.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1, 6.1, 7.1. Sihle V Ngcongo, Nelson AF Miranda.

Update on EM device for improving compliance with bird scaring line measures in longline and trawl fisheries.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 09: ERA for small scale hook & line fisheries SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_09 ERA small scale hook&line Brazil_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 8.1. Gabriel Canani et al.

Seabird interactions with small-scale hook-and-line fisheries: an ecological risk assessment for the Brazilian fleets in the southwest Atlantic Ocean.

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 10: Hookpod-mini trials in South Africa SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_10 Hookpod trials South Africa_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. Andrea Angel, Matthew Orolowitz and Reason Nyengera.

Trialling the Hookpod-Mini during day-time setting of longlines off the coast of South Africa.

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 11: Safe seabird rescue, handling, and recovery onboard purse seines

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SBWG12_Inf_11 Safe rescue and handling_Suazo et al.pdf

Agenda Item 9.1. Cristián G. Suazo et al.

Guidelines for the safe seabird rescue, handling, and recovery onboard purse seine fisheries. 

pdf SBWG12 Inf 12: Toolbox for mitigation in purse seines

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SBWG12_Inf_12 Toolbox mitigation purse seine_Suazo et al.pdf

Agenda Item 9.1. Cristián G. Suazo et al.

Toolbox for seabird bycatch mitigation advice in purse seine fisheries.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 13: REDUCE project

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SBWG12_Inf_13 REDUCE project.pdf

Agenda Item 13. Jacob González-Solís.

Reducing bycatch of threatened megafauna in the East Central Atlantic (REDUCE).

pdf SBWG12 Inf 14: Bycatch mitigation in longline SSF in Southern Peru SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_14 Bycatch mitigation in longline SSF in Southern Peru_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 8.1. Javier Quiñones, Jairo Calderon, Dave Goad.

Enabling mitigation measures in the southern Peruvian artisanal longline fleet targeting sharks to reduce the bycatch of albatrosses and petrels.

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 15: Traslape espacial CPUE espinel y Albatros SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_15 Traslape espacial CPUE espinel y Albatros_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 8.1. Javier Quiñones et al.

Traslape espacial de pesquerías artesanales de pequeña escala con albatros Neozelandeses y ceja negra, que áreas debemos proteger en espacio y tiempo?

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 16: Áreas potenciales de interaccion con pesquería de perico

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SBWG12_Inf_16 Interaccion con pesquería de perico.pdf

Agenda Item 8.1. Cynthia Romero y Gersson Roman.

Áreas potenciales de interacción entre albatros y la pesquería de perico (Coryphaena hippurus) frente al litoral peruano.

pdf SBWG12 Inf 17: Albatros y Petreles en Lambayeque SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_17 Albatros y Petreles en Lambayeque_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 8.1 David Sarmiento-Barturen, Jorge Barturen, Javier Quiñones.

Interacciones de albatros y petreles con las pesquerías artesanales de redes de enmalle costeras en Lambayeque, norte del Perú durante La Niña 2022 y El Niño 2023.

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 18: Bayesian time series bycatch estimation SUMMARY

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SBWG12_Inf_18 Bayesian time series bycatch estimation_Good et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 11. Thomas P. Good et al.

Using Bayesian time series models to estimate bycatch of an endangered albatros.

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pdf SBWG12 Inf 19: Mitigation measures with curtain systems in demersal trawl

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SBWG12_Inf_19 Mitigation curtains for netsonde in trawl_Suazo et al.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Cristián G. Suazo et al. 

Minimum standards for mitigation measures with curtain systems in demersal trawl fisheries.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674