Folder AC14 Meeting Documents

pdf AC14 Doc 01: Draft Agenda

Download (pdf, 144 KB)

AC14_Doc_01_Draft Agenda_e.pdf

Agenda Item 2. Advisory Committee, Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 02 Rev 1: Annotated Draft Meeting Agenda.

Download (pdf, 182 KB)

AC14_Doc_02_Rev_1_Annotated Draft Agenda_e1.pdf

Agenda Item 2.  Advisory Committee Chair, Secretariat.


pdf AC14 Doc 03: Meeting schedule

Download (pdf, 164 KB)

AC14_Doc_03_Meeting schedule_e.pdf

Agenda Item 2. Advisory Committee Chair, Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 04: List of Documents

Download (pdf, 155 KB)

AC14_Doc_04_List of Documents_e.pdf

Agenda Item 2. Advisory Committee Chair, Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 05 Rev 1: List of Meeting Participants

Download (pdf, 185 KB)

AC14_Doc_05_Rev 1_Participant List_e.pdf

Agenda Item 2. Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 06: Report by Depositary Government

Download (pdf, 126 KB)

AC14_Doc_06_Report by Depositary Government_e.pdf

Agenda Item 4. Australia.

Report of Depositary Government on the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (Canberra, 19 June 2001).

pdf AC14 Doc 07: Secretariat Report

Download (pdf, 148 KB)

AC14_Doc_07_Secretariat Report_e.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 08 Rev 2: 2024 Provisional Financial Report

Download (pdf, 541 KB)

AC14_Doc_08_Rev_2_2024 Provisional Finance Report_e.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1. Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 09: Draft Agreement Budget 2026-2028

Download (pdf, 331 KB)

AC14_Doc_09_Draft Agreement Budget 2026-2028_e.pdf

Agenda Item 6.2 Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 10: Draft Advisory Committee Report to the Eighth Meeting of Parties

Download (pdf, 168 KB)

AC14_Doc_10_Draft AC report to MoP8_e.pdf

Agenda Item 9.1. Advisory Committee Chair, Vice-chair, Secretariat

pdf AC14 Doc 11: TWG Report

Download (pdf, 470 KB)

AC14_Doc_11_TWG report_e1.pdf

Agenda Item 10.1. Taxonomy Working Group.

Report of the Taxonomy Working Group.

pdf AC14 Doc 12 Rev 1: SBWG Report

Download (pdf, 1.07 MB)

AC14_Doc_12_Rev_1_SBWG Report_e2.pdf

Agenda Item 11.1.  Seabird Bycatch Working Group.

pdf AC14 Doc 13 Rev 1: Joint SBWG12-PaCSWG8 Report

Download (pdf, 289 KB)

AC14_Doc_13_Rev_1_Joint_SBWG12-PaCSWG8 Report_e.pdf

Agenda Item 12.1. SBWG and PaCSWG Convenors and Vice-convenors.

pdf AC14 Doc 14 Rev 2: PaCSWG Report

Download (pdf, 586 KB)

AC14_Doc_14_Rev_2_PaCSWG Report_e1.pdf

Agenda Item 13.1.  Population and Conservation Status Working Group.

pdf AC14 Doc 15: Draft Implementation Report 2022-2024

Download (pdf, 591 KB)

AC14_Doc_15_Draft Implementation Report 2024_e.pdf

Agenda Item 8. Secretariat.

Draft Report on Progress with the Implementation of the Agreement 2022 - 2024.

pdf AC14 Doc 16 Rev 1: Status of ACAP species, populations, and breeding sites

Download (pdf, 597 KB)

AC14_Doc_16_Rev_1_MoP8 Draft_Spp status_Sites_e.pdf

Agenda Item 9. Secretariat, Working Group Convenors, AC Chair.

Status of ACAP species, populations, and breeding sites. Draft report to MoP.

pdf AC14 Doc 17: Threats to ACAP species and mitigation actions

Download (pdf, 285 KB)

AC14_Doc_17_MoP8 Draft Threats_e1.pdf

Agenda Item 9.  Secretariat, Working Group Convenors, AC Chair.

Threats to ACAP species and mitigation actions. Draft Report to MoP8.

pdf AC14 Doc 18: ACAP Priority Conservation Actions

Download (pdf, 340 KB)

AC14_Doc_18_MoP8 Draft_Priorities_e.pdf

Agenda Item 9. Secretariat, Working Group Convenors, AC Chair.

ACAP Priority Conservation Actions for 2026 - 2028. Draft Report to MoP8.

pdf AC14 Doc 19: Capacity building and outreach

Download (pdf, 169 KB)

AC14_Doc_19_MoP8 Draft_Capacity building_e.pdf

Agenda Item 9. Secretariat, Advisory Committee Chair, Vice-chair.

Capacity building and outreach. Draft Report to MoP8.

pdf AC14 Doc 20: RFMO Egagement Strategy

Download (pdf, 351 KB)

AC14_Doc_20_RFMO Egagement Strategy_e.pdf

Agenda Item 14. Intersessional Correspondence Group.

ACAP Engagement Strategy with Regional Fisheries Management and Conservation Organisations.

pdf AC14 Doc 21: Communications Strategy Update

Download (pdf, 305 KB)

AC14_Doc_21_Communications Strategy Update_e.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Secretariat.


pdf AC14 Doc 22: AC Work Programme 2023-2025

Download (pdf, 354 KB)

AC14_Doc_22_AC Work Programme 2023-2025_e1.pdf

Agenda Item 15.2. Advisory Committee, Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 23: Draft AC Work Programme 2026-2028

Download (pdf, 243 KB)

AC14_Doc_23_Draft AC WP 2026-2028_e.pdf

Agenda Item 15.3. Advisory Committee Chair, Vice-chair, Secretariat.


pdf AC14 Doc 24: Secretariat Work Programme 2023-2025

Download (pdf, 360 KB)

AC14_Doc_24_Secretariat Work Programme 2023-2025_e.pdf

Agenda Item 5.2. Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 25: Draft Secretariat Work Programme 2026-2028

Download (pdf, 357 KB)

AC14_Doc_25_Draft Secretariat WP 2026-2028_e1.pdf

Agenda Item 5.3. Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 26: Draft Provisional MoP8 Agenda

Download (pdf, 142 KB)

AC14_Doc_26_Draft Provisional MoP8 Agenda_e.pdf

Agenda Item 18.2. MoP Chair, AC Chair, Secretariat.

pdf AC14 Doc 27: Proposed amendments to AC RoP

Download (pdf, 132 KB)

AC14_Doc_27_Proposed amendments to AC RoP_e.pdf

Agenda Item 3. Secretariat.

Proposed Amendments to Rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure for the Advisory Committee.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674