Short-tailed Albatrosses George and Geraldine are incubating again on Midway Atoll
George and Geraldine in October 2021 The globally Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus pair is back for another breeding season on the USA's Midway Atoll – the sole pair that currently breeds on the North Western Hawaiian island....
Well done George and Geraldine! Midway Atoll’s sole Short-tailed Albatross chick is soon to fledge
The 2021 Short-tailed Albatross chick approaches fledging, photograph from the Friends of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge George and Geraldine make up the sole pair of Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatrosses Diomedea albatrus that breed on Midway...
Midway’s latest Short-tailed Albatross chick gets banded
The Short-tailed Albatross chick gets its bands from Jon Plissner and Chris Forster George and Geraldine make up the sole pair of Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatrosses Diomedea albatrus that breed on Midway Atoll’s Sand Island. They commenced breeding on...
George and Geraldine, Short-tailed Albatrosses on Midway, hatch their latest egg
The 2021 chick is revealed by George, photograph by Jon Brack, Friends of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, January 2021 and watch the video clip George and Geraldine make up the sole pair of Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatrosses Diomedea albatrus...
Online albatross jigsaw puzzles for armchair marine ornithologists
Puzzle this one: Tristan Albatross and chick on Gough Island, photograph by Michelle Risi “The days of our years are three score and ten” - Psalm 90, verse 10 (King James Bible). It seems then that the ACAP Information Officer is several years past his...
UPDATE: Incubation underway. Short-tailed Albatrosses George and Geraldine return to Midway Atoll
UPDATE: BREEDING UNDERWAY Geraldine incubates her 2020 egg, photograph by J. Plissner/USFWS "The game camera images show that the female laid the egg on the evening/night of October 28. She remained at the nest with the male often present until the...
Presentations on albatrosses and bycatch at the Pacific Seabird Group’s 2020 meeting
The Pacific Seabird Group held its 47th Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, USA over 12 - 15 February this year. A list of presentations on albatrosses and seabird bycatch by fisheries with their senior authors follows. Their abstracts may be found...
SECOND UPDATE. Short-tailed Albatrosses George and Geraldine's second chick fledges
SECOND UPDATE The Short-tailed Albatross chick is reported to have successfully fledged (click here). "The thrill of seeing this rare bird fly off into the rising sun was amplified by raising my hopes for last year’s chick, the first-ever known to have...
The Hawai‘i Wildlife Center rehabilitates albatrosses - and supports World Albatross Day
The Hawai‘i Wildlife Center (HWC), based on the ‘Big Island’ of Hawaii, is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, conserving and aiding in the recovery of Hawai‘i’s native wildlife through hands-on treatment, research, training, science...
The Pacific Seabird Group joins two other seabird groups in supporting World Albatross Day 2020
The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers dedicated to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds and their environment. The PSG was formed in 1972 out of a need for increased communication among...