Black-footed and Laysan Albatrosses get counted for another year on the USA’s Kure and Midway Atolls
Breeding Black-footed and Laysan Albatrosses on Kure Atoll, photograph by Cynthia Vanderlip Breeding Black-footed Phoebastria nigripes and Laysan P. immutabilis Albatrosses have once more been counted on two of the USA’s Northwestern Hawaiian Islands...
George and Geraldine, the lone Short-tailed Albatross pair on Midway Atoll, have a new chick
Short-tailed Albatrosses George (left) and Geraldine brood their latest chick on Midway Atoll, 26 December 2023, photograph by Nick Minnich The lone Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus pair well known as George and Geraldine on the USA’s Midway...
UPDATED. George and Geraldine, Midway Atoll’s sole Short-tailed Albatross pair, are back for a new season - and have an egg
George (left) and Geraldine return for a new breeding season, photograph by USFWS/Jonathon Plissner UPDATE: The Short-tailed Albatross have an egg for the 2023/24 season and incubation is proceeding, with the male having taken over duties from the...
UPDATED. Who’s a big boy then? Midway Atoll’s latest Short-tailed Albatross chick gets its bands - and fledges a month later
USFWS Bio-technician Laura Brazier and Supervisory Biologist Jon Plissner band Midway’s latest Short-tailed Albatross chick on 16 April 2023, photograph by USFWS Volunteer Andrew Sullivan-Haskins “Wow! What a big chunky fuzzball” – Hob Osterlund,...
Start of a new colony? The Short-tailed Albatrosses of Midway Atoll are up to five this season
Geraldine with her 2023 chick, photograph by Caren Loebel-Fried George and Geraldine, the sole pair of Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatrosses Phoebastria albatrus breeding on Midway Atoll, have hatched their latest egg that was laid back in October last...
Hands-on management works. Black-footed and Laysan Albatross news from Hawaii
This Laysan Albatross pair seems safe from climate change 500 m above the sea in the Kuaokala Game Management Area on Oahu, photograph from Pacific Rim Conservation For some years, ACAP Latest News has regularly reported on conservation management...
Short-tailed Albatrosses George and Geraldine are back incubating on Midway, and they have some new friends!
George incubating this month, photograph by Jon Plissner/USFWS Geraldine, the Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus was seen back on Midway Atoll’s Sand Island on 20-21 October and since then her mate George has been incubating. A...
Updates on the conservation of albatrosses in the Hawaiian islands
The 2019 fledgling Short-tailed Albatross (right) returns to Midway Atoll. Its parents are on the left; photograph by Jon Plissner Note: ACAP Latest News aims to post on recent developments and findings in procellariiform science and conservation...
No chick for Midway’s sole Short-tailed Albatross pair this season
George and Geraldine (left) will not rear a chick in 2022; photograph by Jon Plissner, 20 January 2022 ACAP Latest News has been following the fortunes of George and Geraldine, the Vulnerable Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus pair on the...
Featuring ACAP-listed species and their photographers: the Black-footed Albatross by Beth Flint
The Black-footed Albatross was the first new species I saw when I started my life-long love of the wildlife of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands NOTE: This post continues an occasional series that features photographs of the 31 ACAP listed species,...