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Water is life: World Migratory Bird Day celebrates its second peak day for 2023

ENG1 xqbwm4 0245058700Nicaraguan artist, Augusto Silva created the artwork for this year’s World Migratory Bird Day to reflect the campaign’s theme, “Water: Sustaining Bird Life”.

The first peak day for WMBD was celebrated earlier this year on 13 May, and this Saturday, 14 October, marks the second peak day for World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD). The observance of two celebratory days for WMBD reflects the seasonal nature of bird migration and differing migration patterns between the northern and southern hemispheres. This year's campaign, under the theme, “Water: Sustaining Bird Life”, is raising awareness of the growing water crisis facing migratory birds.

Water is critical for life on Earth, however increasing human demand for water, poor management, as well as pollution and climate change are threatening water quality and ecosystems across the globe. These threats are not only confined to fresh water, with saltwater ecosystems, which albatrosses and petrels are reliant, facing similar challenges.

“World Migratory Bird Day 2023 spotlights the vital role that water plays in the survival of our shared birds. The focal species illustrated on the campaign poster depict the intricate bond each bird shares with water. The diminutive Rufous Hummingbird thrives on nectar-producing flowers that rely on water for their blooms, and the Dickcissel scours the grasslands for seeds that hold the moisture they need. White Pelicans and Ospreys seek their prey in freshwater lakes, while the magnificent Wandering Albatross and Atlantic Puffin remain at sea. WMBD is an opportunity to unify our voices for the conservation of migratory birds and to celebrate their spectacular journeys". Dr. Susan Bonfield, Executive Director at Environment for the Americas (EFTA).

International cooperation is key to protecting the world’s water resources, and vital for the conservation of migratory birds. The recent adoption of a new global framework for the integrated management of chemicals and waste at the recent fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) is one such example of the collaboration required to tackle these threats. 

Events celebrating World Migratory Bird Day are being held worldwide and can be found at the official World Migratory Bird Day website. Coinciding with WMBD is BirdLife International's Global Bird Weekend – a worldwide birdwatching and citizen science event organised with partners, Global Birding and eBird. More information about the Global Bird Weekend can be found, here.

WMBD is organised through a partnership between: The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), the non-profit organization, Environment for the Americas (EFTA) and new partner, the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP).

To learn more about this year’s World Migratory Bird Day campaign and to download posters and WMBD resources, visit

WMBD Partners

13 October 2023

UPDATED. THE ACAP MONTHLY MISSIVE. Australia’s Lord Howe Island is declared free of introduced rats and mice following a successful eradication operation in 2019

Lord Howe Ian Hutton
Lord Howe Island; photograph by Ian Hutton

UPDATE:  An early-review publication, recently available open access, details the success of taking two non-target land birds into temporary captivity on Lord Howe while the rodent eradication was underway.

O’Dwyer, T.W., Carlile, N., O’Neill, L., Fairlamb, H. & Bower, H. 2023.  Protection and mortality of non‑target terrestrial bird species during the eradication of rodents on Lord Howe Island.  Biological Invasions.

13 October 2023

Lord Howe Island is a World Heritage natural property situated some 600 km off the coast of New South Wales, Australia, in the Tasman Sea. The 1 455-ha island is inhabited by a resident population of 455 (in 2020), which can nearly double with the presence of tourists. The island supports important breeding populations of several species of shearwaters and petrels (click here).

Following a 15-year period of research and planning, in 2019 the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project conducted a combined aerial and ground-baiting operation to rid the island of its introduced Ship or Black Rats Rattus rattus and House Mice Mus musculus.

Roofed rodent bait stations spread across a field on Lord Howe Island in July 2019; photograph by Ian Hutton

The prevailing “rule of thumb” is that two years should elapse before declaring a treated island rodent free, allowing for any survivors to breed up to detectable levels. However, although it looked promising that success had been achieved in the 18 months following the baiting operation, in April 2021 a male and a pregnant female rat were caught on the island, only a few months before the two years was up. A quick response followed with ground baiting, use of detection dogs and monitoring camera stations, resulting in a total of 96 rats (44 adults and 52 juveniles) being caught by August 2021, with no further records of live animals being made since then. All rats caught were within the Settlement part of the island.

With the two-year wait then deferred until mid-2023 as a consequence of these rodents being detected, it is now pleasing to report that following a two-week survey conducted in July 2023 there has been no sign of rats or mice on Lord Howe Island for over two years. This was reported in the monthly Lord Howe Island Board’s Community News of 25 September 2023.

More than 950 detection device checks were undertaken during the survey, using 140 tracking tunnels, 32 trail cameras, and 300 wax tags and chew cards, along with sweeps with detection dogs. The results were then analysed and confirmed by independent experts from the New Zealand Department of Conservation’s Island Eradication Advisory Group. The formal check followed regular checks with dogs and camera surveillance throughout the past two years in that part of the island where the inhabitants live. In contrast, no live mice have been recorded on Lord Howe since early July 2019.

Now thankfully safe from rodents: a pair of Flesh-footed Shearwaters
Ardenna carneipes on Lord Howe Island; photograph by Ian Hutton

Breeding success of Black-winged Petrels Pterodroma nigripennis increased dramatically from as little as 2.5% to 67% within one year of removal of Lord Howe Island’s rodents, showing the undoubted conservation value of the eradication project. Similarly, abundances of other bird species and of endemic invertebrates on Lord Howe have increased by orders of magnitude since 2019 (click here). For example, the endemic and Endangered Lord Howe Woodhen Hypotaenidia sylvestris has increased in population size from fewer than 500 prior to 2019 to 1147 in the last (incomplete) survey conducted in November 2022 – and in the 1970s there only 20-30 birds! In another success, the Masked Booby Sula dactylatra is now breeding on the main island for the first time since the rodents were eradicated.

On the invertebrate front, the endemic Lord Howe Island Wood-feeding Cockroach Panesthia lata (click here) and several species of pinwheel snails Pseudocharopa sp. (click here), all thought to be extinct on the main island, have been rediscovered following the rodent eradication. Vegetation changes have also been dramatic, with the forest floor on Mount Gower and Mount Lidgbird now carpeted with flourishing seedlings of the endemic Kentia Palm Howea forsteriana and the two mountain palms, whereas previously most seeds had been eaten by the rodents. On the other hand, introduced weedy plants are also increasing, necessitating their control.

Lord Howe Woodhen
The flightless Lord Howe Woodhen; photograph from the
Lord Howe Island Board

For further reading, access a detailed report by Grant Harper of the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project submitted to the Lord Howe Island Board here.

With thanks to Darcelle Matassoni, Project Officer, Lord Howe Island Board and Keith Springer, Operations Manager, Mouse-Free Marion Project for information.


Harper, G.A. 2023. The Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project: Rodent Eradication Checkpoint 2023. Lord Howe Island, Australia: Lord Howe Island Board. Unpublished Report. 19 pp.

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 10 October 2023

Note: Amended from a news story first published by the Mouse-Free Marion Project on 05 October 2023.

Powerline collisions followed by secondary vehicle strikes kill threatened Newell’s Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels in Hawaii

Newells Shearewater Lindsay Young
Newell’s Shearwater, photograph by Lindsay Young

Marc Travers (Archipelago Research and Conservation, Hanapepe, Kauaʻi, Hawaii, USA) and colleagues have published in the Journal for Nature Conservation on threats facing Hawaiian birds from collisions with power lines that are followed by road strikes, most notably endemic Critically Endangered Newell’s Puffinus newelli, endemic Endangered Hawaiian Petrels Pterodroma sandwichensis and Wedge-tailed Shearwaters Ardenna pacifica.

The paper’s abstract follows:

“Anthropogenic threats to Hawaii’s birds have resulted in numerous extinctions with many additional species now listed as threatened or endangered. Implementing conservation recovery plans for these birds requires identifying a comprehensive list of threats. Research from outside of Hawaii has shown that avian powerline collisions are one of the greatest anthropogenic causes of mortality. To date, with the exception of endangered seabirds, powerline collisions have not been considered a major threat to most native and endangered birds in Hawaii. This may be because Hawaiian species face a multitude of already identified threats with the clearest causes of mortality (e.g., vehicle collisions) often obscuring evidence of powerline collisions. We report a strong spatial correlation between roads and powerlines which increases the likelihood that birds colliding with powerlines are grounded on roads, where secondary vehicle collisions can confound the primary grounding cause. We recorded flight heights of all birds at powerlines and roads, as well as the frequency of flights directly at powerline and vehicle height. We observed 162 powerline collisions across ten native and endemic birds. We also collected a further 251 grounded native and endangered birds. For each of the grounded birds we evaluated the injuries the bird sustained and the grounding location itself using multiple factors to attribute the primary cause of grounding. Using this system, we classified these birds as follows - powerline collision (69.3%), vehicle strike (9.2%), and uncertain cause of grounding (21.5%). Overall, we confirm that 13 native and endangered species collided with powerlines, including all native and endemic waterbirds, and vehicle collisions were confirmed for three species. Our study clearly demonstrates that birds hitting powerlines can be grounded in roads and then secondarily run over by vehicles, which can obscure the primary cause of grounding. The obfuscation of powerline collision by secondary vehicle strike has previously prevented researchers and managers from identifying powerline collisions as a threat to native and endemic waterbirds. By using the data reported here, the local power company has implemented 170 km of bird-friendly powerline modifications including the removal of static lines, attachment of bird diverters and reconfigurations. These bird-friendly powerline modifications are the first of their kind in the state of Hawaii.”

With thanks to André Raine.


Travers. M.S., Driskill, S., Scott, C., Hanna, K., Flaska, S.R., Bache, M. & Raine, A.F. 2023. Spatial overlap in powerline collisions and vehicle strikes obscures the primary cause of avian mortality. Journal for Nature Conservation 75.

12 October 2023

Investing in innovation: funding for bycatch reduction projects announced by the United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

 Hookpod miniWeighted hooks including the Hookpod mini (pictured) were trialled in the project, "Demonstration of practicality and safety of alternative branchline weighting designs that reduce seabird catch risk in the Hawaii pelagic longline deep-set fishery" lead by Eric Gillman that received funding from the BREP in 2019.

Funding for projects addressing fisheries bycatch has been announced by the Unites States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Approximately $2.3 million USD is available for projects through the Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program (BREP).

The National Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program’s mission, as stated on the NOAA website, "[is] to support the development of technological solutions and changes in fishing practices designed to minimize bycatch of fish and protected species (including Endangered Species Act-listed fish, marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles) and to reduce impacts to invertebrates (including sponges, deep-sea corals, and shallow (tropical) corals.) In addition, BREP may support projects that quantify post-release mortality and identify ways to minimize mortality and injury of bycaught species (including post-release injury and mortality).”

Funding for projects is open to foreign public entities and organisations under the jurisdiction of foreign governments. Eligibility criteria can be found at, under funding opportunity #NOAA-NMFS-FHQ-2024-2008210.  

For further information, including examples of successful past proposals, head to the NOAA website, here.

Pre-proposals are a requirement and must be submitted before full proposals. Pre-proposals must be emailed to the BREP National Program Coordinator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on December 15, 2023.

Full proposals must be received by 11:59 pm EST on March 20, 2024.

11 October 2023

The need for speed: bait type and gear configuration tested to increase sink rates of hooks in underwater line setting device

Fig1 Underwater setting device Report for NZDOC Vita MarisA diagram of the underwater setter from the report

A report prepared by Vita Maris for New Zealand’s Department of Conservation on techniques to increase the sink rates of hooks in underwater line setting devices has been released by the Conservation Services Program. 

The Summary as follows: 

“The introduction of mitigation standards for demersal longliners and subsequent changes to regulations require a hook depth of five metres at the end of the tori line aerial extent, which likely requires substantial changes to gear configuration and setting speed for some of the fleet (Goad & Olsen, 2022). Underwater setting has the potential to increase sink rates and reduce risk to birds. It is particularly relevant to meeting the latest regulations, whilst maintaining flexibility of gear configuration for fishers. It also has the potential to meet the 10 m depth at the end of tori line mitigation standard.

The manual baiting demersal longline fleet in New Zealand clip on pre-baited hooks with short branchlines (or snoods, typically 0.6 m length) to a stoppered mainline relatively quickly (Goad et al., 2010). Therefore, in order to set demersal longlines underwater, both the hook and the mainline have to be deployed at depth and a downward force must be applied to the mainline in order to achieve sufficient depth. The underwater setter described in this report uses a guide towed behind the vessel at depth to force the mainline underwater.

Four trips were undertaken with the setter deployed for a portion of a set each trip. In total, 3,300 hooks were deployed through the setter. Squid bait was very robust and least susceptible to damage. Barracouta baits varied in quality with ‘flaky’ fillets susceptible to loosing bits of muscle tissue furthest from the hook. Pilchard baits were trialled on the first trip and due to high loss rates were not used on subsequent trips. At present the setter can deploy tougher baits at depth with reasonable retention rates at speeds up to approximately five knots with line tension set slightly higher than a free-wheeling drum. Weight spacing does not appear to affect setter performance however weights and weight-float combinations need to be heavy enough to sink in front of the setter rather than falling behind it. Adjustment of line tension and setter configuration (depth and distance behind the vessel) has the potential to reduce bait loss and damage.

Recommendations are to continue trials of the underwater setter during commercial fishing operations to collect catch rate comparison data. It is also recommended to continue developing the underwater setter design to minimise bait damage and loss for more fragile bait types.”


Goad, D., Kiddle, B. 2023. Underwater line setter development. MIT2021-03a final report prepared by Vita Maris for Department of Conservation. 22 p. 

09 October 2023

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

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119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674