Research on shearwaters presented at the Fifth International Albatross and Petrel Conference

Fourteen papers were presented on shearwaters of the genera Calonectris and Puffinus at the Fifth International Albatross and Petrel Conference held in Wellington, New Zealand last month.

Authors and titles of shearwater presentations at IAPC5 are listed below.

Paulo Catry, Maria Dias, Richard Phillips & José Pedro Granadeiro:  Experimental demonstration that long-lasting carry-over effects modulate migration strategies and breeding deferral of Cory's Shearwaters.  P3.

John Cooper & Barry Baker:  The conservation status of the World's shearwaters.  O54.

Verónica Cortés, José Manuel Arcos & Jacob González-Solís:  Preliminary data of seabird bycatch in Mediterranean longliners.  O27.

Maria Dias, José Pedro Granadeiro & Paulo Catry:  Working the day or the night shift?  Geographical variability and moon effects on the daily schedules of two pelagic seabirds.  O10.

Jacob González-Solís, Teresa Militão, José Manuel de los Reyes, Daniel Oro, Peter Ryan, Richard Cuthbert & Richard Phillips:  Individual consistency in migratory strategies in Atlantic shearwaters and petrels.  O4.

Adam Griesemer & Nick Holmes:  Newell's Shearwater population modelling: what does potential recovery look like?  O35.

April Hedd, William Montevecchi, Helen Otley & Richard Phillips:  Foraging areas, activity patterns and habitat associations of Sooty Shearwaters Puffinus griseus breeding in the Falkland Islands.  O17.*

Fiona McDuie, Scarla Weeks & Brad Congdon:  How do oceanography and climate impact prey availability of tropical seabirds: electronic tracking of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters to identify critical foraging resources of the Great Barrier Reef?  O12

Teresa Militão, Daniel Oro, Peter Ryan, Yann Kolbeinsson, Richard Phillips & Jacob González-Solís:  Stable isotope analyses as a tool to trace the migration of shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean.  O11.

Colin Miskelly, Shane Baylis, Alan Tennyson, Susan Waugh, Sandy Bartle, Stuart Hunter, Brett Gartrell & Kerri Morgan:  Impacts of the Rena oil spill on New Zealand seabirds.  P34.

Colin Miskelly, Helen Gummer, Graeme Taylor:  Successes and failures with translocations of burrow-nesting petrels in New Zealand.  O31.

Henri Raatjes, Sebastian Uhlmann & Jonathan Jeschke:  Man overboard?! Factors associated with male-biased Sooty Shearwater bycatch in New Zealand trawl fisheries.  P21.

André Raine: Using a multi-faceted approach to study endangered seabirds in Kaua'i. P28.

J. Reyes-González, Teresa Militão & Jacob González-Solís:  Individual variability in foraging strategies of Cory's Shearwaters in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands).  P14.

Graeme Taylor, Matt Rayner, David Thompson, Paul Sagar & Richard Phillips:  Comparative ecology of three migratory shearwaters (Puffinus spp.) breeding in northern New Zealand.  P8.

Click here to access the conference booklet with abstracts of the above and other papers presented in Wellington.

Currently, the only shearwater species listed within the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels is the Critically Endangered Balearic P. mauretanicus of the Spanish Mediterranean, although Chile is working towards the nomination of its endemic Pink-footed P. creatopus (click here).

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 16 September 2012

*A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Islas Georgias del Sur y Islas Sandwich del Sur) and the surrounding maritime areas.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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