Help conserve the Critically Endangered Balearic Shearwater. Consultant required for the Med-Bycatch Project in Morocco and Tunisia


Balearic Shearwater at sea

The Critically Endangered Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus endemic as a breeding species to the western Mediterranean with an at-sea distribution that includes the waters of Morocco and Tunisia is caught as bycatch by longline fisheries.  An opportunity to help conserve this ACAP-listed species with an imminent application deadline in two days’ time has been brought to the attention of ACAP Latest News today.  Information on the consultancy with the Medbycatch Project from BirdLife International follows.

“BirdLife International seeks to hire a consultant on part-time basis to support coordination of Med-Bycatch Project in Morocco and Tunisia.  The Mediterranean Bycatch Project is a partnership between ACCOBAMS, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Special Protected Areas/Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC), International Union for the Conservation of Nature-Mediterranean (IUCN-Med), BirdLife International, WWF, and Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET).  It aims to improve knowledge, build capacity and develop tools needed to reduce the incidental catch of vulnerable species in the Mediterranean. The on-the-ground activities involve implementing standardised data collection and testing mitigation measures towards effectively reducing single and multi-taxa bycatch, through a collaboration approach between national fisheries institutes, local NGOs and fishers and fishing associations. The project plans to leverage change across the Mediterranean countries on the issue of incidental catch of vulnerable species, including through communication and advocacy activities with the fishing industries and decision-makers.”

The consultant will monitor the implementation of project activities by the BirdLife Partners in Morocco and Tunisia (including through participation in regular coordination calls with other project partners).

  • Provide technical inputs and support in relation to the organisation of bycatch observer trainings, production of technical reports presenting the results of the bycatch observation programme, organisation of national roundtable meetings, development of communication materials.
  • Support BirdLife Partners in Morocco and Tunisia to develop organisational strategies for engagement on sustainable fisheries and marine conservation to inform their work beyond the end of the MAVA funding.
  • Ensure timely submission of technical and financial reports by the BirdLife Partners in Morocco and Tunisia.
  • Facilitate information exchange and knowledge sharing between the West Africa Bycatch project team and the Med Bycatch project partners.

Proficiency in oral and written English and French required; application deadline: 14 October 2020; start date November 2020; flexi working arrangement, including the option of working from home.  Application that describes the individual’s core competencies and qualifications to undertake the tasks, including examples of previous work undertaken in the last five years, plus cover letter, detailed CV and a financial quote should be sent to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Read full details here.

Information from Stephanie Prince, High Seas Programme Manager, BirdLife International Marine Programme.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 12 October 2020

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