UPDATE: Information for attendees to the Sixth ACAP Advisory Committee Meeting, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Third Circular now available

The Third Circular for ACAP's Sixth Advisory Committee meeting is now available on this web site (find from the home page).

The circular contains further information on meeting documents (including a revised agenda), meeting registration, accommodation (with advice on bookings), hotel transfers to the meeting venue, and advice on excursions and field trips.

All meeting documents will be available on the ACAP website by 29 July 2011.  Agendas and documents for Working Group meetings will be posted on the ACAP website under their respective Working Group.


Note:  to access the several documents referred to below follow the link from the home page to AC6 Circular No. 2.

Draft Agenda

A draft agenda for AC6 is attached, as well as an annotated agenda to assist consideration of the issues to be discussed.  A number of new agenda items has been added to the draft agenda prepared at AC5.  These take account of outcomes arising from intersessional work and other developments since the last meeting.  Any additional items for inclusion on the agenda should be notified to the Secretariat by 30 May 2011.

Meeting Documents

A preliminary list of documents for AC6 is also attached.  Please advise the Secretariat should you wish to amend this list or add additional documents.  Any revisions to the list of documents will be advised on the AC6 website as revisions to AC6 Doc5.  As previously advised, all documents that are to be translated must be submitted by 30 June 2011.

It would be appreciated if you could use the attached meeting document template when preparing documents.  A copy of the template for Observer's Reports is also attached to assist those who have not yet submitted reports on meetings they have attended as an ACAP Observer.  Note that reports on Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) meetings will be tabled for consideration at the Seabird Bycatch Working Group meeting.

The Second Meeting of the Parties to ACAP (MoP2) decided that delegates should take their own copies of meeting documents to meetings in order to contain printing costs.  Consequently, the Secretariat will only be providing delegates with copies of papers submitted during the course of the meeting, e.g. reports of the meetings of the Working Groups held immediately prior to AC6.  The Secretariat will also be providing access to meeting documents and printing facilities via a dedicated wireless network.  Delegates intending to use the wireless network should indicate this on the registration form so that the Secretariat can forward passwords and setting-up instructions.

Meeting Registration

Parties, Non-Party Range States and Observers are reminded that details of their representatives must be provided to the Secretariat prior to the meeting (email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.).  Delegates are requested to complete the attached meeting registration form and forward it to the Secretariat as soon as possible to assist us in preparing for the meetings.  The meeting registration form can also be accessed at www.acap.aq/AC6registration.

Working Group Meetings

As previously advised, the meetings of the Working Groups will be held prior to AC6 at the Unipark Hotel, Guayaquil, at the same venue as AC6.  The Seabird Bycatch Working Group meeting will be held from 22-24 August, the Status and Trends Working Group meeting will be held on 25 August, and the Breeding Sites Working Group meeting on 26 August, 2011.

Information concerning transfers and social events will be provided in AC6 Meeting Circular No. 3.

Warren Papworth, ACAP Executive Secretary, 13 May 2011

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Email: secretariat@acap.aq
Tel: +61 3 6165 6674